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MailMerge field
{ MERGEFIELD “field name“ [ switch ] [\* MERGEFORMAT] }
When the main document is merged with the selected data source, information from the specified data field is inserted in place of the merge field.
The MERGEFIELD field supports the following switches:
Switch | Description |
\* MERGEFORMAT | Retains the formatting applied to the field. |
\b “text“ | Specifies the text to be inserted before the MERGEFIELD field if the field is not blank. |
\f “text“ | Specifies the text to be inserted after the MERGEFIELD field if the field is not blank. |
{ MERGEFIELD FirstName \f” “ }{ MERGEFIELD MiddleName \f” “ }{ MERGEFIELD LastName }
If the MiddleName field data is missing (null), then there is only one space between FirstName and LastName:
David Bradley
Otherwise, MiddleName is separated by spaces as required:
David M Bradley
If the merge field is replaced with a DateTime value and no format switch is specified, the actual display format depends on the FieldOptions.UseCurrentCultureDateTimeFormat option. If this option is set to true
, the RichEditDocumentServer
uses settings specified by the DateTimeFormatInfo.ShortDatePattern property of the application’s current CultureInfo
. If the FieldOptions.UseCurrentCultureDateTimeFormat is false
(the default value), DateTime values use the “M/d/yyyy” format.
You can set the RichEditMailMergeOptions.ViewMergedData to true to display the MERGEFIELD fields’ code results.