DataGridView Methods
A data grid view.Name | Description |
AfterDeserializeCollection(String, XtraItemEventArgs) | |
BeforeDeserializeCollection(String, XtraItemEventArgs) | |
BeginUpdate() | Locks the grid to prevent its visual updates until the EndUpdate method is called. |
ClearCollection(String, XtraItemEventArgs) | |
ClearColumnFilter(GridColumn) | |
ClearColumnFilter(String) | |
ClearFilter() | Clears the filter applied to data in the grid. |
ClearGrouping() | Ungroups data in the grid. |
ClearSorting() | Clears the sorting applied to the grid. |
CloseEditor(Boolean) | Closes a cell in-place editor. |
CollapseAllGroups() | Collapses all groups of rows. |
CollapseGroupRow(Int32) | Collapses the specified group of rows. |
DeleteRow(Int32) | Deletes the specified data row. |
EndUpdate() | Unlocks the grid after the BeginUpdate method call and forces an immediate visual update. |
ExpandAllGroups() | Expands all groups of rows. |
ExpandGroupRow(Int32) | Expands the specified group of rows. |
FindRow(Predicate<Object>) | Returns the handle of the first row that matches the specified criteria. |
FindRowByItem(Object) | |
FindRowByValue(String, Object) | Searches for the value in the column and returns the handle of the corresponding row. |
GetCellDisplayText(Int32, GridColumn) | Gets the text displayed within the specified cell. |
GetCellDisplayText(Int32, String) | Gets the text displayed within the specified cell. |
GetCellValue(Int32, GridColumn) | Gets the value of the specified cell. |
GetCellValue(Int32, String) | Gets the value of the specified cell. |
GetChildRowCount(Int32) | Returns the number of data rows in the group. |
GetChildRowHandle(Int32, Int32) | Returns the handle of the row at the specified position within the specified group. |
GetGroupDisplayValue(Int32) | Returns a value for which the group is created and which is displayed in a group row. |
GetGroupSummaryValue(Int32, GridColumnSummary) | Returns a summary value calculated against the specified group of rows. |
GetGroupValue(Int32) | Returns the column’s data value for which the group is created. |
GetItem(Int32) | Returns an object that represents a record in the grid’s underlying data source. |
GetParentRowHandle(Int32) | Returns the group row handle that identifies the group to which the specified data row belongs. |
GetRowHandle(Int32) | Returns the handle of the row that corresponds to the specified record in the data source. |
GetRowHandleByVisibleIndex(Int32) | |
GetSourceRowIndex(Int32) | Gets the index of the data source record to which the specified row handle corresponds. |
GetVisibleIndexByRowHandle(Int32) | |
GroupBy(GridColumn) | Groups data in the grid by the specified column. |
GroupBy(String) | Groups data in the grid by the specified column. |
IsGroupCollapsed(Int32) | Indicates whether the specified group row is collapsed. |
IsGroupRow(Int32) | Checks whether the specified row is a group row. |
MergeColumnFilters(CriteriaOperator) | |
MergeColumnFilters(String) | |
MoveItem(Int32, Int32, Action) | |
OpenEditor(Int32, String) | Invokes an in-place editor for the specified cell. |
RefreshData() | Updates the grid’s data. |
RestoreLayoutFromStream(Stream) | Restores the grid’s layout from the specified stream. |
RestoreLayoutFromXml(String) | Restores the grid’s layout from the specified XML string. |
SaveLayoutToStream(Stream) | Saves the grid’s layout to the specified stream. |
SaveLayoutToXml() | Saves the gird’s layout to an XML string. |
ScrollToColumn(GridColumn) | |
ScrollToColumn(Int32) | |
ScrollToRow(Int32) | Scrolls the grid to make the specified row visible. |
SetCellValue(Int32, GridColumn, Object) | Assigns a value to the specified cell. |
SetCellValue(Int32, String, Object) | Assigns a value to the specified cell. |
SortBy(GridColumn, ColumnSortOrder, Int32) | Sorts data by values of the specified column in the specified order, and places the column at the specified position among the sorted columns. |
SortBy(GridColumn, ColumnSortOrder) | Sorts data by values of the specified column in the specified order. |
SortBy(GridColumn) | Sorts data by values of the specified column in ascending order. |
SortBy(String) | Sorts data by values of the column bound to the specified data field in the ascending order. |
See Also