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DXCalendar Members

A cross-platform customizable calendar.


Name Description
DXCalendar() Initializes a new instance of the DXCalendar class.


Name Description
ActiveViewTypeProperty static Identifies the ActiveViewType bindable property.
CellMinSizeProperty static Identifies the CellMinSize bindable property.
DayCellAppearanceProperty static Identifies the DayCellAppearance bindable property.
DayCellTemplateProperty static Identifies the DayCellTemplate bindable property.
DayOfWeekCellAppearanceProperty static Identifies the DayOfWeekCellAppearance bindable property.
DayOfWeekCellTemplateProperty static Identifies the DayOfWeekCellTemplate bindable property.
DisplayDateProperty static Identifies the DisplayDate bindable property.
FirstDayOfWeekProperty static Identifies the FirstDayOfWeek bindable property.
HeaderAppearanceProperty static Identifies the HeaderAppearance bindable property.
HorizontalCellSpacingProperty static Identifies the HorizontalCellSpacing bindable property.
MaxDateProperty static Identifies the MaxDate bindable property.
MinDateProperty static Identifies the MinDate bindable property.
MonthCellAppearanceProperty static Identifies the MonthCellAppearance bindable property.
MonthCellTemplateProperty static Identifies the MonthCellTemplate bindable property.
PaddingProperty static Identifies the Padding bindable property.
SelectedDateChangedCommandParameterProperty static Identifies the SelectedDateChangedCommandParameter bindable property.
SelectedDateChangedCommandProperty static Identifies the SelectedDateChangedCommand bindable property.
SelectedDateProperty static Identifies the SelectedDate bindable property.
ShowTrailingDaysProperty static Identifies the ShowTrailingDays bindable property.
VerticalCellSpacingProperty static Identifies the VerticalCellSpacing bindable property.
YearCellAppearanceProperty static Identifies the YearCellAppearance bindable property.
YearCellTemplateProperty static Identifies the YearCellTemplate bindable property.


Name Description
ActiveViewType Gets or sets whether the calendar displays the day, month, or year view. This is a bindable property.
ActualAppearance Gets the common appearance settings that are applied to the current DXCalendar.
CellMinSize Gets or sets the minimum size of cells in the calendar. This is a bindable property.
DayCellAppearance Gets or sets appearance settings applied to days. This is a bindable property.
DayCellTemplate Gets or sets a data template used to render days. This is a bindable property.
DayOfWeekCellAppearance Gets or sets appearance settings applied to days. This is a bindable property.
DayOfWeekCellTemplate Gets or sets a data template used to render days of the week. This is a bindable property.
DisplayDate Gets or sets a date that allows you to specify the month, year, or decade displayed in the current calendar view. This is a bindable property.
FirstDayOfWeek Gets or sets the first day of the week. This is a bindable property.
HeaderAppearance Gets or sets appearance settings applied to the calendar’s header. This is a bindable property.
HorizontalCellSpacing Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between cells. This is a bindable property.
MaxDate Gets or sets the maximum date that users can select in the calendar. This is a bindable property.
MinDate Gets or sets the minimum date that users can select in the calendar. This is a bindable property.
MonthCellAppearance Gets or sets appearance settings applied to months. This is a bindable property.
MonthCellTemplate Gets or sets a data template used to render months. This is a bindable property.
Padding Gets or sets the distance between the calendar edges and contents. This is a bindable property.
SelectedDate Gets or sets the date selected in the calendar. This is a bindable property.
SelectedDateChangedCommand Gets or sets the command executed when the date selected in the calendar changes. This is a bindable property.
SelectedDateChangedCommandParameter Gets or sets the parameter passed to the SelectedDateChangedCommand. This is a bindable property.
ShowTrailingDays Gets or sets whether days related to the previous and next months are displayed. This is a bindable property.
VerticalCellSpacing Gets or sets the vertical spacing between cells. This is a bindable property.
YearCellAppearance Gets or sets appearance settings applied to years. This is a bindable property.
YearCellTemplate Gets or sets a data template used to render years. This is a bindable property.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
CustomDayCellAppearance Allows you to customize days.
CustomDayOfWeekCellAppearance Allows you to customize days of the week.
CustomMonthCellAppearance Allows you to customize months.
CustomYearCellAppearance Allows you to customize years.
DisableDate Allows you to disable a specific date (prevent users from selecting it).
SelectedDateChanged Fires when the date selected in the calendar changes.
See Also