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C# Embeddings

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This topic lists available Selection Embeddings for C#.


if ()

lock ()



if () else

block - {}

To string[1]


while ()

Embeddings for Rich Comments

Comment box[1]


do..while ()



using ()



Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the try..catch code block and places the caret in the catch section.

    // Embedded text
catch (Exception ex) 

You can also use the C shortcut for this embedding.[2]


Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the try..finally code block and places the caret in the finally section.

   // Embedded text

You can also use the F shortcut for this embedding.[2]


Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the try..catch..finally code block. This embedding also places the caret in the catch section and drops a marker in the finally section.

   // Embedded text
catch (Exception ex)


You can also use the T shortcut for this embedding.[2]


Embeds the selected text (code, comments) between the #region and #endregion directives and selects the region name placeholder.

#region RegionName
// Embedded text

You can also use the Ctrl + 3 shortcut for this embedding.


Embeds the selected text (code, comments) between the #if and #endif directives and places the caret after the #if directive.

// Embedded text

#if ()

Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the if conditional block, selects the conditional expression placeholder, and places the caret before this placeholder.

if (Expression)
   // Embedded text

#if () else

Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the if conditional block with the else branch. This embedding also selects the conditional expression placeholder and places the caret before this placeholder.

if (Expression)
    // Embedded text


#while ()

Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the while loop, selects the conditional expression placeholder, and places the caret before this placeholder.

while (Expression)
    // Embedded text

#do..while ()

Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the do..while loop, selects the conditional expression placeholder, and places the caret before this placeholder.

    // Embedded text
} while (Expression);

#using ()

Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the using () block, selects the object creation placeholder, and places the caret before this placeholder.

using (Expression)
   // Embedded text

#lock ()

Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the lock () block, selects the object placeholder, and places the caret before this placeholder.

lock (Expression)
    // Embedded text

#block - {}

Embeds the selected text (code, comments) in braces and selects the generated block.

    // Embedded text

You can also use the B shortcut for this embedding.[2]

#Embeddings for Rich Comments

CodeRush includes embeddings that allow you to format selected text within comments. The following embeddings are available:

To use these embedding, enable the Rich Comments feature.


Formats the selected text within a comment as bold.

    // **Bold** text

You can also use the Ctrl+B shortcut for this embedding.


Formats the selected text within a comment as italic.

    // *Italic* text

You can also use the Ctrl+I shortcut for this embedding.


Formats the selected text within a comment as underline.

    // _Underline_ text

You can also use the Ctrl+U shortcut for this embedding.


Formats the selected text within a comment as underline.

    // ~Strikethrough~ text

You can also use the Ctrl+S shortcut for this embedding. This shortcut is initially disabled. To enable it, refer to the Selection | Embedding group in the shortcuts configuration.

#Hidden Embeddings in the Code Actions Menu


Embeds the selected text (code, comments) between BeginUpdate and EndUpdate method calls of an object from the clipboard.

This embedding uses the «Paste» Text Command and requires an identifier in the clipboard.

    // Embedded text


Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the try..finally block. The WaitCursor is used during the selected code lines’ execution.

This embedding also creates linked identifiers for references to the saveCursor variable. The System.Windows.Forms namespace should be referenced.

Cursor saveCursor = Cursor.Current;
    Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
    // Embedded text
    Cursor.Current = saveCursor;


This embedding performs the following actions:

  • Creates a Stopwatch instance of System.Diagnostics

  • Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the try{} finally{} block

  • Creates linked identifiers for references to the stopwatch variable

  • Starts the stopwatch before the embedded text

  • Stops the stopwatch after the embedded text

  • Outputs the stopwatch.Elapsed value to the console

using System.Diagnostics;

Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
    // Embedded text
Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);

#To string

Quotes the selected code.

Before Embedding:

Embedded Code

After Embedding:

"Embedded Code"

#Comment box

Embeds the selected text (code, comments) into the comment box.

Before Embedding:

// Embedded text

After Embedding:

/* •——————————————————•
   | // Embedded text|
   •——————————————————• */
  1. The embedding is hidden in the Code Actions menu. Use the “Visible in the Code Actions (light bulb) menu” toolbar button on the Editor | All Languages | Selection Embeddings options page to show it.

  2. This shortcut is disabled initially. For information on how to enable this shortcut, refer to the following topic section: Enable One-Key Selection Embedding Shortcuts

See Also