DxRichEdit Events
A Microsoft Word-inspired rich text editor with comprehensive text formatting options, mail merge support, and a rich collection of user options.Name | Description |
ActiveRibbonTabIndexChanged | Fires after the active ribbon tab is changed. |
BarItemExceptionRaised | Allows you to handle exceptions that occur after a user interacts with an item in the menu bar. |
BarModeChanged | Fires when the BarMode property value changes. |
CalculateDocumentVariable | Fires when a DOCVARIABLE field is updated and allows you to specify the field result. |
ContentInserted | Occurs after content was inserted in the Rich Text Editor’s document. |
ContentRemoved | Occurs after content was removed from the Rich Text Editor’s document. |
CustomizeContextMenu | Allows you to customize the context menu in the Rich Text Editor. |
CustomizeRibbon | Allows you to customize the Rich Text Editor’s ribbon. |
CustomizeToolbar | Allows you to customize the Rich Text Editor’s toolbar. |
DocumentContentChanged | Allows you to save document content changes. |
DocumentContentChanging | Allows you to notify users that the Rich Text Editor starts saving. |
DocumentLoaded | Fires after a document is loaded. |
GotFocus | Fires after the Rich Text Editor receives focus. |
HorizontalRulerVisibleChanged | Fires when the HorizontalRulerVisible property value changes. |
LostFocus | Fires after the Rich Text Editor loses focus. |
ModifiedChanged | Allows you to track unsaved document changes. |
ReadOnlyChanged | Fires after the ReadOnly property value changes. |
RibbonVisibleChanged | Obsolete. Fires after the ribbon visibility is changed. |
SelectionChanged | Fires after the selection is changed. |
ViewTypeChanged | Fires after the document view type is changed. |
See Also