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Document.MailMergeAsync Method

Name Parameters Description
MailMergeAsync(DocumentFormat, MergeMode, Int32, Int32, CancellationToken) format, mergeMode, firstRecord, recordCount, cancellationToken Merges the selected range of the data records to the document template, separates merge ranges with the specified delimeter, and generates the resulting document.
MailMergeAsync(DocumentFormat, MergeMode, Int32, CancellationToken) format, mergeMode, firstRecord, cancellationToken Merges records of the bound data source to the document template starting with the selected record, separates merge ranges with the specified delimeter, and generates the resulting document.
MailMergeAsync(DocumentFormat, MergeMode, CancellationToken) format, mergeMode, cancellationToken Merges all records of the bound data source to the document template, separates merge ranges with the selected delimeter, and generates the resulting document.
MailMergeAsync(DocumentFormat, CancellationToken) format, cancellationToken Merges all records of the bound data source to the document template, separates merge ranges with paragraphs, and generates the resulting document.