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DxMenu.DisplayMode Property

Specifies whether the menu is displayed as a panel with root items or in a compact view.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public MenuDisplayMode DisplayMode { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
MenuDisplayMode Auto

A MenuDisplayMode enumeration value.

Available values:

Name Description

Mobile and tablet devices show the menu in a compact view.
Other device types show the menu as a panel with root items.’


The menu is shown as a panel with root items. Child items are available in drop-down menus.


The menu is in a compact view.


The Menu component supports different display modes (the DisplayMode property):

  • Auto - the menu automatically adapts to the device type.

  • Desktop - the menu is shown as a panel with root items. The menu view also depends on the orientation: horizontal orientation places child items in drop-down menus; vertical orientation shows submenus with child items to the side of the menu container.

  • Mobile - the menu has a compact view and depends on the orientation. In the horizontal orientation, it is a hamburger menu. In the vertical orientation, the menu looks like a desktop menu - a panel with root items, but submenus are shown in the main menu container and have the Back button.

The following code snippet specifies display mode:

<DxMenu Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal"

Desktop Horizontal Menu

Desktop Horizontal Menu

Desktop Vertical Menu

Desktop Vertical Menu

Mobile Horizontal Menu

Mobile Horizontal Menu

Mobile Vertical Menu

Mobile Vertical Menu

See Also