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DxFileInput.ReloadAllFiles() Method

Reloads all files whose upload operations were canceled.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public void ReloadAllFiles()



ReloadAllFiles, ReloadFile, and ReloadFiles methods ignore files whose upload operations were not canceled.

Once a user selects files in the Open dialog or drags files onto a drop zone, the File Input component adds these files to the file list. The file list displays each file’s upload status and upload, cancel, reload, and remove buttons. On the image below, the file list contains 4 files in different states:

file list

Handle the SelectedFilesChanged event to access the collection of files in the file list. Call the following methods to manage these files in code:

Start Upload Cancel Upload Restart Canceled Upload Remove Files from List
One File UploadFile CancelFileUpload ReloadFile RemoveFile
Multiple Files UploadFiles CancelFilesUpload ReloadFiles RemoveFiles
All Files UploadAllFiles CancelAllFilesUpload ReloadAllFiles RemoveAllFiles

The following example displays buttons that cancel upload operations for all files and reload all files:

<DxFileInput @ref="MyFileInput"
             FilesUploading="OnFilesUploading" />

<DxButton Text="Cancel Upload of All Files" Click="OnCancelButtonClick" />
<DxButton Text="Reload All Files" Click="OnReloadButtonClick" />

@code {
    DxFileInput MyFileInput { get; set; }

    void OnCancelButtonClick() {
    void OnReloadButtonClick() {
    async Task OnFilesUploading(FilesUploadingEventArgs args) {
        foreach (var file in args.Files) {
            /* The following code is intended for demonstration purposes only.
            Do not read a stream directly in memory to avoid performance and security-related issues. */
            using var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            await file.OpenReadStream(file.Size).CopyToAsync(stream);

Set the AllowCancel property to false to prevent users from canceling upload operations.

See Also