DxAIChat.Initialized Event
In This Article
Fires after the component is initialized.
Namespace: DevExpress.AIIntegration.Blazor.Chat
Assembly: DevExpress.AIIntegration.Blazor.Chat.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.AIIntegration.Blazor.Chat
public EventCallback<IAIChat> Initialized { get; set; }
Type | Description |
IAIChat | An object that allows you to set up a chat assistant and manage chat history. |
Handle the Initialized
event to perform custom actions after initializing the component. For instance, you can call a SetupAssistantAsync method overload to set up an OpenAI Assistant or call the LoadMessages(IEnumerable<BlazorChatMessage>) method to load messages to the chat history.
<div class="chat-demo-container">
<DxAIChat CssClass="demo-chat"
<div class="demo-chat-content">
@(new MarkupString(Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml(context.Content)))
@code {
void ChatInitialized(IAIChat chat) {
chat.LoadMessages(new[] {
new BlazorChatMessage(Microsoft.Extensions.AI.ChatRole.User, "Hello, AI!"),
new BlazorChatMessage(Microsoft.Extensions.AI.ChatRole.Assistant, "Hey there, human! What's on your mind? 😊")
See Also