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XtraChartsCollectionExtensions Methods
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A class storing extension methods allowing you to add chart elements configured using delegate methods to collections.
Name Description
Add(ChartTitleCollection, Action<ChartTitle>) static Adds a new chart title configured using the specified method to the specified chart title collection.
Add(ConstantLineCollection, Action<ConstantLine>) static Adds a new constant line configured using the specified method to the specified constant lines collection of an axis.
Add(CustomAxisLabelCollection, Action<CustomAxisLabel>) static Adds a new custom axis label configured using the specified method to the specified custom axis labels collection of an axis.
Add(CustomLegendItemCollection, Action<CustomLegendItem>) static Adds a new custom legend item configured using the specified method to the specified legend items collection of a legend.
Add(LegendCollection, Action<Legend>) static Adds a new legend configured using the specified method to the specified legends collection of a chart.
Add(ScaleBreakCollection, Action<ScaleBreak>) static Adds a new scale break configured using the specified method to the specified scale breaks collection of a legend.
Add(SecondaryAxisXCollection, Action<SecondaryAxisX>) static Adds a new secondary X-axis configured using the specified method to the specified secondary X-axes collection of a XY-diagram.
Add(SecondaryAxisYCollection, Action<SecondaryAxisY>) static Adds a new secondary Y-axis configured using the specified method to the specified secondary Y-axes collection of a XY-diagram.
Add(SeriesCollection, Action<Series>) static Adds a new series configured using the specified delegate to the specified series collection.
Add(SeriesPointFilterCollection, Action<SeriesPointFilter>) static Adds a new series point filter configured using the specified method to the specified filters collection of a series.
Add(SeriesTitleCollection, Action<SeriesTitle>) static Adds a new series title configured using the specified method to the specified titles collection of a series.
Add(StripCollection, Action<Strip>) static Adds a new strip configured using the specified method to the specified strips collection of a legend.
Add(SwiftPlotDiagramSecondaryAxisXCollection, Action<SwiftPlotDiagramSecondaryAxisX>) static Adds a new secondary X-axis configured using the specified method to the swift plot diagram’s secondary X-axes collection.
Add(SwiftPlotDiagramSecondaryAxisYCollection, Action<SwiftPlotDiagramSecondaryAxisY>) static Adds a new secondary Y-axis configured using the specified method to the swift plot diagram’s secondary Y-axes collection.
Add(XYDiagramPaneCollection, Action<XYDiagramPane>) static Adds a new pane configured using the specified method to the specified pane collection.
AddImageAnnotation(AnnotationCollection, Action<ImageAnnotation>) static Adds a new image annotation configured using the specified method to the specified annotations collection.
AddImageAnnotation(AnnotationRepository, Action<ImageAnnotation>) static Adds a new image annotation configured using the specified method to the specified annotations repository.
AddTextAnnotation(AnnotationCollection, Action<TextAnnotation>) static Adds a new text annotation configured using the specified method to the specified annotations collection.
AddTextAnnotation(AnnotationRepository, Action<TextAnnotation>) static Adds a new text annotation configured using the specified method to the specified annotations repository.
Default(LegendCollection, Action<Legend>) static Configures the default chart legend.
Default(XYDiagramPaneCollection, Action<XYDiagramDefaultPane>) static Configures the pane of the XY diagram.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Template(SeriesCollection, Action<SeriesTemplate>) static
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also