SEO Paging
- 2 minutes to read
A known problem with grid-like components is that search engines simply ignore pagers. When indexing a site, they only use the information contained on the first page. The reason for this is that pager links are usually not represented as hyperlinks to other pages. Instead, they simply respond to click events to raise data update callbacks.
The CardView allows you to make a SEO-friendly pager. Use the ASPxGridPagerSettings.SEOFriendly property for this purpose.
If this property is set to SEOFriendlyMode.CrawlerOnly, the CardView renders hyperlinks in the pager when a web-crawler is detected. For other visitors, standard pager links are generated. Thus, search engines can index an entire CardView content, and site visitors experience the same callback functionality.
If the property is set to SEOFriendlyMode.Enabled or SEOFriendlyMode.Disabled, automatic web crawler detection is disabled. The pager renders either SEO-friendly or standard links respectively.
If the ASPx