Endless Paging
- 2 minutes to read
The CardView’s Endless Paging mode can be enabled by setting the ASPxCardViewPagerSettings.Mode property to EndlessPaging.
In Endless Paging mode, the CardView hierarchy is created on the server side, and is sent to the client side on demand, based on user actions. The hierarchy is created based on card keys. Thus, the GridSettingsBase.KeyFieldName property should be specified so that the CardView works properly.
In Endless Paging mode, a CardView can be updated in two ways.
- A partial update is executed when loading a page. In this instance, cards that are already loaded on the client side are not updated.
- A full update is performed when filtering and sorting. As a result, the view on the client side is not synchronized with data on the server side, so data should be reloaded.
#Endless Paging Mode Limitations
In Endless Paging mode, only the currently required data is created on the server. Thus, when the CardView contains a template with a control, it cannot accesses template data if the hierarchy has not yet been created on the server side. Therefore, in this mode, the CardView templates should be used for appearance customization purposes only.
Edit Form Template.
Edit form templates do not work properly in Endless Paging mode. To use them, collect and update CardView data manually on the client side.
Binding to Custom Data
The CardView does not support binding to custom data and Endless Paging mode at the same time.