Card View Main Features
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#Data Specifics
- Binding to Data - the CardView is designed to function in bound mode only and can be easily bound to any Model data passed by a Controller.
- Binding to Large Data (Database Server Mode) - has been designed to work with large datasets (consisting of 300,000 cards and even more). Bound data is not loaded into memory in its entirety. Instead, the CardView loads data in small portions on demand. When the CardView starts, it loads and displays the first portion of data from the data store. Then, as an end-user scrolls the CardView, when the last record of the loaded subset is reached, the CardView requests the data store to return a subsequent data portion. (See demo: Data Binding to Large Database).
- Unbound Columns - Individual columns can be configured to work in unbound mode. Just add unbound columns and supply their data manually. (See the Total column in the corresponding online demo).
#Data Editing
- Built-in Edit Modes - CardView provides three built-in edit modes: editing with the Edit Form, the Popup Edit Form and Batch Editing. (See demo: Edit Modes).
- Card Validation and Error Indication - CardView supports automatic or manual validation of the edited card. Error messages can be automatically displayed for invalid fields. (See demo: Edit Modes).
- Batch Edit Mode - The CardView extension allows you to modify a batch of CardView data on the client side and send it to the server in a single request. (See demo: Batch Edit Mode).
#Focus and Navigation
- Built-in Pager - CardView automatically splits content across multiple pages and provides a built-in pager that enables end-users to navigate through data. (See demo: Pager Settings).
- Focused Card - CardView enables end-users to move focus through cards by clicking them. (See demo: Focusing).
- Scrolling - CardView offers vertical scrolling. To reduce CardView height, you can display its vertical scrollbar, and specify the height of the scrollable area. (See demo: Scrolling).
#Appearance Customization
- Appearances - A powerful mechanism to control the entire look and feel of the CardView. You can customize the appearance of almost any visual element of the CardView and even apply them conditionally to reflect certain states, such as errors. In addition, the CardView ships with a number of predefined themes. These themes allow you to specify its appearance and behavior as your business needs dictate.
- Templates Technology - Templates are fully supported. For each element inside a CardView, you can completely customize the appearance or layout using any HTML content. (See demos: Card Template, help topic: Templates).
- Conditional Formatting - With the CardView, you have a flexible mechanism to control conditional cell and card formatting. (See demo: Conditional Formatting).
- Full CSS Support - CardView appearance can be customized using CSS classes. This approach is the best choice if you need centralized control over the appearance of several controls or the entire site.
- Cross-Browser Compatibility - Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Apple Safari, etc. The CardView is cross-browser compatible.
- Rich Client-Side Functionality - A comprehensive client-side API is available for the CardView. This functionality, which is then coupled with the ability to handle events on the client side, allows you to have full control over the CardView’s behavior on the client side.
- Client-Side Events - The CardView exposes a rich set of client-side events. These events are executed on the client side and have been engineered to maximize performance.
- Export - The CardView allows you to export its data to PDF, CSV, XLS, XLSX and RTF formats. (See demo: Exporting Data).