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TreeListColumnBuilder<T> Methods

Represents a TreeList column.
Name Description
Alignment(HorizontalAlignment) Aligns the content of the column. Mirrors the client-side alignment option.
AllowEditing(JS) Specifies whether a user can edit values in the column at runtime. By default, inherits the value of the editing.allowUpdating property. Mirrors the client-side allowEditing option.
AllowEditing(Boolean) Specifies whether a user can edit values in the column at runtime. By default, inherits the value of the editing.allowUpdating property. Mirrors the client-side allowEditing option.
AllowFiltering(JS) Specifies whether data can be filtered by this column. Applies only if filterRow.visible is true. Mirrors the client-side allowFiltering option.
AllowFiltering(Boolean) Specifies whether data can be filtered by this column. Applies only if filterRow.visible is true. Mirrors the client-side allowFiltering option.
AllowFixing(JS) Specifies whether a user can fix the column at runtime. Applies only if columnFixing.enabled is true. Mirrors the client-side allowFixing option.
AllowFixing(Boolean) Specifies whether a user can fix the column at runtime. Applies only if columnFixing.enabled is true. Mirrors the client-side allowFixing option.
AllowHeaderFiltering(JS) Specifies whether the header filter can be used to filter data by this column. Applies only if headerFilter.visible is true. By default, inherits the value of the allowFiltering property. Mirrors the client-side allowHeaderFiltering option.
AllowHeaderFiltering(Boolean) Specifies whether the header filter can be used to filter data by this column. Applies only if headerFilter.visible is true. By default, inherits the value of the allowFiltering property. Mirrors the client-side allowHeaderFiltering option.
AllowHiding(JS) Specifies whether a user can hide the column using the column chooser at runtime. Applies only if columnChooser.enabled is true. Mirrors the client-side allowHiding option.
AllowHiding(Boolean) Specifies whether a user can hide the column using the column chooser at runtime. Applies only if columnChooser.enabled is true. Mirrors the client-side allowHiding option.
AllowReordering(JS) Specifies whether users can reorder this column. Overrides the allowColumnReordering property value. Mirrors the client-side allowReordering option.
AllowReordering(Boolean) Specifies whether users can reorder this column. Overrides the allowColumnReordering property value. Mirrors the client-side allowReordering option.
AllowResizing(JS) Specifies whether a user can resize the column at runtime. Applies only if allowColumnResizing is true. Mirrors the client-side allowResizing option.
AllowResizing(Boolean) Specifies whether a user can resize the column at runtime. Applies only if allowColumnResizing is true. Mirrors the client-side allowResizing option.
AllowSearch(JS) Specifies whether this column can be searched. Applies only if searchPanel.visible is true. Inherits the value of the allowFiltering property by default. Mirrors the client-side allowSearch option.
AllowSearch(Boolean) Specifies whether this column can be searched. Applies only if searchPanel.visible is true. Inherits the value of the allowFiltering property by default. Mirrors the client-side allowSearch option.
AllowSorting(JS) Specifies whether a user can sort rows by this column at runtime. Applies only if sorting.mode differs from 'none'. Mirrors the client-side allowSorting option.
AllowSorting(Boolean) Specifies whether a user can sort rows by this column at runtime. Applies only if sorting.mode differs from 'none'. Mirrors the client-side allowSorting option.
Buttons(Action<CollectionFactory<TreeListColumnButtonBuilder>>) Provides access to the client-side buttons option that represents a TreeList column button collection.
Buttons(IEnumerable<TreeListColumnButtonName>) Allows you to customize buttons in the edit column or create a custom command column. Applies only if the column's type is 'buttons'. Mirrors the client-side buttons option.
CalculateCellValue(RazorBlock) Calculates custom cell values. Use this function to create an unbound data column. Mirrors the client-side calculateCellValue option.
CalculateCellValue(String) Calculates custom cell values. Use this function to create an unbound data column. Mirrors the client-side calculateCellValue option.
CalculateDisplayValue(JS) Calculates custom display values for column cells. Requires specifying the dataField or calculateCellValue property. Used in lookup optimization. Mirrors the client-side calculateDisplayValue option.
CalculateDisplayValue(String) Calculates custom display values for column cells. Requires specifying the dataField or calculateCellValue property. Used in lookup optimization. Mirrors the client-side calculateDisplayValue option.
CalculateFilterExpression(RazorBlock) Specifies the column's custom rules to filter data. Mirrors the client-side calculateFilterExpression option.
CalculateFilterExpression(String) Specifies the column's custom rules to filter data. Mirrors the client-side calculateFilterExpression option.
CalculateSortValue(JS) Calculates custom values used to sort this column. Mirrors the client-side calculateSortValue option.
CalculateSortValue(String) Calculates custom values used to sort this column. Mirrors the client-side calculateSortValue option.
Caption(JS) Specifies a caption for the column. Mirrors the client-side caption option.
Caption(String) Specifies a caption for the column. Mirrors the client-side caption option.
CellTemplate(JS) Specifies the client-side cellTemplate.
CellTemplate(RazorBlock) Specifies the client-side cellTemplate.
CellTemplate(TemplateName) Specifies the client-side cellTemplate.
CellTemplate(String) Specifies the client-side cellTemplate.
Columns(JS) Configures columns. Mirrors the client-side columns option.
Columns(Action<CollectionFactory<TreeListColumnBuilder<T>>>) Provides access to the client-side columns option that represents a TreeList column collection.
Columns(IEnumerable<String>) Configures columns. Mirrors the client-side columns option.
CssClass(JS) Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the column. Mirrors the client-side cssClass option.
CssClass(String) Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the column. Mirrors the client-side cssClass option.
CustomizeText(RazorBlock) Customizes the text displayed in column cells. Mirrors the client-side customizeText option.
CustomizeText(String) Customizes the text displayed in column cells. Mirrors the client-side customizeText option.
DataField(JS) Binds the column to a field of the dataSource. Mirrors the client-side dataField option.
DataField(String) Binds the column to a field of the dataSource. Mirrors the client-side dataField option.
DataType(GridColumnDataType) Casts column values to a specific data type. Mirrors the client-side dataType option.
EditCellTemplate(JS) Specifies the client-side editCellTemplate.
EditCellTemplate(RazorBlock) Specifies the client-side editCellTemplate.
EditCellTemplate(TemplateName) Specifies the client-side editCellTemplate.
EditCellTemplate(String) Specifies the client-side editCellTemplate.
EditorOptions(Object) Configures the default UI component used for editing and filtering in the filter row. Mirrors the client-side editorOptions option.
EncodeHtml(JS) Mirrors the client-side encodeHtml option that specifies whether to display HTML tags as plain text or apply them to column values.
EncodeHtml(Boolean) Mirrors the client-side encodeHtml option that specifies whether to display HTML tags as plain text or apply them to column values.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FalseText(JS) In a boolean column, replaces all false items with a specified text. Applies only if showEditorAlways property is false. Mirrors the client-side falseText option.
FalseText(String) In a boolean column, replaces all false items with a specified text. Applies only if showEditorAlways property is false. Mirrors the client-side falseText option.
FilterOperations(JS) Specifies available filter operations. Applies if allowFiltering is true and the filterRow and/or filterPanel are visible. Mirrors the client-side filterOperations option.
FilterOperations(IEnumerable<GridFilterOperations>) Specifies available filter operations. Applies if allowFiltering is true and the filterRow and/or filterPanel are visible. Mirrors the client-side filterOperations option.
FilterOperations(IEnumerable<String>) Specifies available filter operations. Applies if allowFiltering is true and the filterRow and/or filterPanel are visible. Mirrors the client-side filterOperations option.
FilterType(FilterType) Specifies whether a user changes the current filter by including (selecting) or excluding (clearing the selection of) values. Applies only if headerFilter.visible and allowHeaderFiltering are true. Mirrors the client-side filterType option.
FilterValue(Object) Specifies the value to display in the filter row. Mirrors the client-side filterValue option.
FilterValues(JS) Sets the values in the header filter. Mirrors the client-side filterValues option.
FilterValues(IEnumerable) Sets the values in the header filter. Mirrors the client-side filterValues option.
Fixed(JS) Fixes the column. Mirrors the client-side fixed option.
Fixed(Boolean) Fixes the column. Mirrors the client-side fixed option.
Format(Format) Formats a value before it is displayed in a column cell. Mirrors the client-side format option.
Format(JS) Formats a value before it is displayed in a column cell. Mirrors the client-side format option.
Format(Action<FormatBuilder>) Formats a value before it is displayed in a column cell. Mirrors the client-side format object.
Format(String) Formats a value before it is displayed in a column cell. Mirrors the client-side format option.
FormItem(Action<FormSimpleItemBuilder>) Configures the form item that the column produces in the editing state. Applies only if editing.mode is 'form' or 'popup'. Mirrors the client-side formItem object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
HeaderCellTemplate(JS) Specifies the client-side headerCellTemplate.
HeaderCellTemplate(RazorBlock) Specifies the client-side headerCellTemplate.
HeaderCellTemplate(TemplateName) Specifies the client-side headerCellTemplate.
HeaderCellTemplate(String) Specifies the client-side headerCellTemplate.
HeaderFilter(Action<TreeListColumnHeaderFilterBuilder>) Specifies data settings for the header filter. Mirrors the client-side headerFilter object.
HidingPriority(JS) Specifies the order in which columns are hidden when the UI component adapts to the screen or container size. Ignored if allowColumnResizing is true and columnResizingMode is 'widget'. Mirrors the client-side hidingPriority option.
HidingPriority(Int32) Specifies the order in which columns are hidden when the UI component adapts to the screen or container size. Ignored if allowColumnResizing is true and columnResizingMode is 'widget'. Mirrors the client-side hidingPriority option.
IsBand(JS) Specifies whether the column organizes other columns into bands. Mirrors the client-side isBand option.
IsBand(Boolean) Specifies whether the column organizes other columns into bands. Mirrors the client-side isBand option.
Lookup(Action<TreeListColumnLookupBuilder>) Specifies properties of a lookup column. Mirrors the client-side lookup object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MinWidth(JS) Specifies the minimum width of the column. Mirrors the client-side minWidth option.
MinWidth(Double) Specifies the minimum width of the column. Mirrors the client-side minWidth option.
Name(JS) Specifies the column's unique identifier. If not set in code, this value is inherited from the dataField. Mirrors the client-side name option.
Name(String) Specifies the column's unique identifier. If not set in code, this value is inherited from the dataField. Mirrors the client-side name option.
Option(String, Object) Specifies an option by its name.
OwnerBand(JS) Specifies the band column that owns the current column. Accepts the index of the band column in the columns array. Mirrors the client-side ownerBand option.
OwnerBand(Double) Specifies the band column that owns the current column. Accepts the index of the band column in the columns array. Mirrors the client-side ownerBand option.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RenderAsync(JS) Specifies whether to render the column after other columns and elements. Use if column cells have a complex template. Requires the width property specified. Mirrors the client-side renderAsync option.
RenderAsync(Boolean) Specifies whether to render the column after other columns and elements. Use if column cells have a complex template. Requires the width property specified. Mirrors the client-side renderAsync option.
SelectedFilterOperation(FilterOperations) Specifies a filter operation that applies when users use the filter row to filter the column. Mirrors the client-side selectedFilterOperation option.
SetCellValue(RazorBlock) Specifies a function to be invoked after the user has edited a cell value, but before it is saved in the data source. Mirrors the client-side setCellValue option.
SetCellValue(String) Specifies a function to be invoked after the user has edited a cell value, but before it is saved in the data source. Mirrors the client-side setCellValue option.
ShowEditorAlways(JS) Specifies whether the column displays its values in editors. Mirrors the client-side showEditorAlways option.
ShowEditorAlways(Boolean) Specifies whether the column displays its values in editors. Mirrors the client-side showEditorAlways option.
ShowInColumnChooser(JS) Specifies whether the column chooser can contain the column header. Mirrors the client-side showInColumnChooser option.
ShowInColumnChooser(Boolean) Specifies whether the column chooser can contain the column header. Mirrors the client-side showInColumnChooser option.
SortIndex(JS) Specifies the index according to which columns participate in sorting. Mirrors the client-side sortIndex option.
SortIndex(Int32) Specifies the index according to which columns participate in sorting. Mirrors the client-side sortIndex option.
SortingMethod(RazorBlock) Specifies a custom comparison function for sorting. Applies only when sorting is performed on the client. Mirrors the client-side sortingMethod option.
SortingMethod(String) Specifies a custom comparison function for sorting. Applies only when sorting is performed on the client. Mirrors the client-side sortingMethod option.
SortOrder(SortOrder) Specifies the sort order of column values. Mirrors the client-side sortOrder option.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
TrueText(JS) In a boolean column, replaces all true items with a specified text. Applies only if showEditorAlways property is false. Mirrors the client-side trueText option.
TrueText(String) In a boolean column, replaces all true items with a specified text. Applies only if showEditorAlways property is false. Mirrors the client-side trueText option.
Type(TreeListCommandColumnType) Specifies the command column that this object customizes. Mirrors the client-side type option.
ValidationRules(Action<ValidationRulesFactory>) Specifies validation rules to be checked when cell values are updated. Mirrors the client-side validationRules object.
Visible(JS) Specifies whether the column is visible, that is, occupies space in the table. Mirrors the client-side visible option.
Visible(Boolean) Specifies whether the column is visible, that is, occupies space in the table. Mirrors the client-side visible option.
VisibleIndex(JS) Specifies the position of the column regarding other columns in the resulting UI component. Mirrors the client-side visibleIndex option.
VisibleIndex(Int32) Specifies the position of the column regarding other columns in the resulting UI component. Mirrors the client-side visibleIndex option.
Width(JS) Specifies the column's width in pixels or as a percentage. Ignored if it is less than minWidth. Mirrors the client-side width option.
Width(Double) Specifies the column's width in pixels or as a percentage. Ignored if it is less than minWidth. Mirrors the client-side width option.
Width(String) Specifies the column's width in pixels or as a percentage. Ignored if it is less than minWidth. Mirrors the client-side width option.
See Also