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SchedulerAppointmentDraggingBuilder Members

Provides methods that allow you to configure nested options of the client-side appointmentDragging object.


Name Description
SchedulerAppointmentDraggingBuilder(OptionsOwnerContext) For internal use only. Initializes a new SchedulerAppointmentDraggingBuilder class instance.


Name Description
AutoScroll(JS) Enables automatic scrolling while dragging an appointment beyond the viewport. Mirrors the client-side autoScroll option.
AutoScroll(Boolean) Enables automatic scrolling while dragging an appointment beyond the viewport. Mirrors the client-side autoScroll option.
Data(Object) A container for custom data. Mirrors the client-side data option.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
Group(JS) Allows you to group several UI components so that users can drag and drop appointments between them. Mirrors the client-side group option.
Group(String) Allows you to group several UI components so that users can drag and drop appointments between them. Mirrors the client-side group option.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
OnAdd(RazorBlock) A function that is called when a new appointment is added. Mirrors the client-side onAdd option.
OnAdd(String) A function that is called when a new appointment is added. Mirrors the client-side onAdd option.
OnDragEnd(RazorBlock) A function that is called when the dragged appointment's position is changed. Mirrors the client-side onDragEnd option.
OnDragEnd(String) A function that is called when the dragged appointment's position is changed. Mirrors the client-side onDragEnd option.
OnDragMove(RazorBlock) A function that is called every time a draggable appointment is moved. Mirrors the client-side onDragMove option.
OnDragMove(String) A function that is called every time a draggable appointment is moved. Mirrors the client-side onDragMove option.
OnDragStart(RazorBlock) A function that is called when the drag gesture is initialized. Mirrors the client-side onDragStart option.
OnDragStart(String) A function that is called when the drag gesture is initialized. Mirrors the client-side onDragStart option.
OnRemove(RazorBlock) A function that is called when a draggable appointment is removed. Mirrors the client-side onRemove option.
OnRemove(String) A function that is called when a draggable appointment is removed. Mirrors the client-side onRemove option.
Option(String, Object) Specifies an option by its name.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ScrollSensitivity(JS) Specifies the distance in pixels from the edge of viewport at which scrolling should start. Applies only if autoScroll is true. Mirrors the client-side scrollSensitivity option.
ScrollSensitivity(Double) Specifies the distance in pixels from the edge of viewport at which scrolling should start. Applies only if autoScroll is true. Mirrors the client-side scrollSensitivity option.
ScrollSpeed(JS) Specifies the scrolling speed when dragging an appointment beyond the viewport. Applies only if autoScroll is true. Mirrors the client-side scrollSpeed option.
ScrollSpeed(Double) Specifies the scrolling speed when dragging an appointment beyond the viewport. Applies only if autoScroll is true. Mirrors the client-side scrollSpeed option.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also