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SankeyBuilder Members

A Sankey control.


Name Description
SankeyBuilder(OptionsOwnerContext) For internal use only. Initializes a new SankeyBuilder class instance.


Name Description
AdaptiveLayout(Action<SankeyAdaptiveLayoutBuilder>) Specifies adaptive layout properties. Mirrors the client-side adaptiveLayout object.
Alignment(IEnumerable<VerticalAlignment>) Aligns node columns vertically. Mirrors the client-side alignment option.
DataSource(JS) Binds the UI component to data. Mirrors the client-side dataSource option.
DataSource(IEnumerable, String[]) Binds a Sankey control to a collection: Array, List, or IEnumerable.
DataSource(Func<DataSourceFactory, OptionsOwnerBuilder>) Binds a Sankey control to data, allows you to configure data access from different sources: API controllers, Razor page handlers, OData services, arrays, and more.
DataSource(String, String[]) Binds a Sankey control to read-only data in JSON format.
DataSourceOptions(Action<DataSourceOptionsBuilder>) Provides access to methods that mirror client-side data source options.
Disabled(JS) Specifies whether the UI component responds to user interaction. Mirrors the client-side disabled option.
Disabled(Boolean) Specifies whether the UI component responds to user interaction. Mirrors the client-side disabled option.
ElementAttr(JS) Mirrors the client-side elementAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
ElementAttr(Dictionary<String, Object>) Mirrors the client-side elementAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
ElementAttr(Object) Mirrors the client-side elementAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
ElementAttr(String, Object) Mirrors the client-side elementAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Export(Action<SankeyExportBuilder>) Configures the exporting and printing features. Mirrors the client-side export object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
HoverEnabled(JS) Specifies whether nodes and links change their style when they are hovered over or pressed. Mirrors the client-side hoverEnabled option.
HoverEnabled(Boolean) Specifies whether nodes and links change their style when they are hovered over or pressed. Mirrors the client-side hoverEnabled option.
ID(JS) Specifies the id attribute for the control’s HTML element (used for nested controls within templates).
ID(String) Specifies the id attribute for the control’s HTML element.
Label(Action<SankeyLabelBuilder>) Configures sankey nodes' labels. Mirrors the client-side label object.
Link(Action<SankeyLinkBuilder>) Configures sankey links' appearance. Mirrors the client-side link object.
LoadingIndicator(Action<SankeyLoadingIndicatorBuilder>) Configures the loading indicator. Mirrors the client-side loadingIndicator object.
Margin(Action<SankeyMarginBuilder>) Generates space around the UI component. Mirrors the client-side margin object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Node(Action<SankeyNodeBuilder>) Configures sankey nodes' appearance. Mirrors the client-side node object.
OnDisposing(RazorBlock) A function that is executed before the UI component is disposed of. Mirrors the client-side onDisposing option.
OnDisposing(String) A function that is executed before the UI component is disposed of. Mirrors the client-side onDisposing option.
OnDrawn(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the UI component's rendering has finished. Mirrors the client-side onDrawn option.
OnDrawn(String) A function that is executed when the UI component's rendering has finished. Mirrors the client-side onDrawn option.
OnExported(RazorBlock) A function that is executed after the UI component is exported. Mirrors the client-side onExported option.
OnExported(String) A function that is executed after the UI component is exported. Mirrors the client-side onExported option.
OnExporting(RazorBlock) A function that is executed before the UI component is exported. Mirrors the client-side onExporting option.
OnExporting(String) A function that is executed before the UI component is exported. Mirrors the client-side onExporting option.
OnFileSaving(RazorBlock) A function that is executed before a file with exported UI component is saved to the user's local storage. Mirrors the client-side onFileSaving option.
OnFileSaving(String) A function that is executed before a file with exported UI component is saved to the user's local storage. Mirrors the client-side onFileSaving option.
OnIncidentOccurred(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when an error or warning occurs. Mirrors the client-side onIncidentOccurred option.
OnIncidentOccurred(String) A function that is executed when an error or warning occurs. Mirrors the client-side onIncidentOccurred option.
OnInitialized(RazorBlock) A function used in JavaScript frameworks to save the UI component instance. Mirrors the client-side onInitialized option.
OnInitialized(String) A function used in JavaScript frameworks to save the UI component instance. Mirrors the client-side onInitialized option.
OnLinkClick(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when a sankey link is clicked or tapped. Mirrors the client-side onLinkClick option.
OnLinkClick(String) A function that is executed when a sankey link is clicked or tapped. Mirrors the client-side onLinkClick option.
OnLinkHoverChanged(RazorBlock) A function that is executed after the pointer enters or leaves a sankey link. Mirrors the client-side onLinkHoverChanged option.
OnLinkHoverChanged(String) A function that is executed after the pointer enters or leaves a sankey link. Mirrors the client-side onLinkHoverChanged option.
OnNodeClick(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when a sankey node is clicked or tapped. Mirrors the client-side onNodeClick option.
OnNodeClick(String) A function that is executed when a sankey node is clicked or tapped. Mirrors the client-side onNodeClick option.
OnNodeHoverChanged(RazorBlock) A function that is executed after the pointer enters or leaves a sankey node. Mirrors the client-side onNodeHoverChanged option.
OnNodeHoverChanged(String) A function that is executed after the pointer enters or leaves a sankey node. Mirrors the client-side onNodeHoverChanged option.
OnOptionChanged(RazorBlock) A function that is executed after a UI component property is changed. Mirrors the client-side onOptionChanged option.
OnOptionChanged(String) A function that is executed after a UI component property is changed. Mirrors the client-side onOptionChanged option.
Option(String, Object) Specifies an option by its name.
Palette(JS) Sets the palette to be used to colorize sankey nodes. Mirrors the client-side palette option.
Palette(VizPalette) Sets the palette to be used to colorize sankey nodes. Mirrors the client-side palette option.
Palette(IEnumerable<String>) Sets the palette to be used to colorize sankey nodes. Mirrors the client-side palette option.
PaletteExtensionMode(VizPaletteExtensionMode) Specifies how to extend the palette when it contains less colors than the number of sankey nodes. Mirrors the client-side paletteExtensionMode option.
PathModified(JS) Notifies the UI component that it is embedded into an HTML page that uses a tag modifying the path. Mirrors the client-side pathModified option.
PathModified(Boolean) Notifies the UI component that it is embedded into an HTML page that uses a tag modifying the path. Mirrors the client-side pathModified option.
RedrawOnResize(JS) Specifies whether to redraw the UI component when the size of the container changes or a mobile device rotates. Mirrors the client-side redrawOnResize option.
RedrawOnResize(Boolean) Specifies whether to redraw the UI component when the size of the container changes or a mobile device rotates. Mirrors the client-side redrawOnResize option.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Render() Inherited from WidgetBuilder.
RtlEnabled(JS) Switches the UI component to a right-to-left representation. Mirrors the client-side rtlEnabled option.
RtlEnabled(Boolean) Switches the UI component to a right-to-left representation. Mirrors the client-side rtlEnabled option.
Size(Action<SankeySizeBuilder>) Mirrors the client-side size object.
SortData(Object) Specifies nodes' sorting order in their columns. Mirrors the client-side sortData option.
SourceField(JS) Specifies which data source field provides links' source nodes. Mirrors the client-side sourceField option.
SourceField(String) Specifies which data source field provides links' source nodes. Mirrors the client-side sourceField option.
TargetField(JS) Specifies which data source field provides links' target nodes. Mirrors the client-side targetField option.
TargetField(String) Specifies which data source field provides links' target nodes. Mirrors the client-side targetField option.
Theme(VizTheme) Sets the name of the theme the UI component uses. Mirrors the client-side theme option.
Title(JS) Configures the UI component's title. Mirrors the client-side title option.
Title(Action<SankeyTitleBuilder>) Configures the UI component's title. Mirrors the client-side title object.
Title(String) Configures the UI component's title. Mirrors the client-side title option.
Tooltip(Action<SankeyTooltipBuilder>) Mirrors the client-side tooltip object.
ToString() Inherited from WidgetBuilder.
ToTemplate() Renders the control as a template string for use in another control’s template. Inherited from WidgetBuilder.
WeightField(JS) Specifies which data source field provides links' weights. Mirrors the client-side weightField option.
WeightField(String) Specifies which data source field provides links' weights. Mirrors the client-side weightField option.
See Also