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PopoverBuilder Members

A Popover control.


Name Description
PopoverBuilder(OptionsOwnerContext) For internal use only. Initializes a new PopoverBuilder class instance.


Name Description
Animation(Action<PopoverAnimationBuilder>) Configures UI component visibility animations. This object contains two fields: show and hide. Mirrors the client-side animation object.
CloseOnOutsideClick(JS) Obsolete. Specifies whether to close the UI component if a user clicks outside the popover window or outside the target element. Mirrors the client-side closeOnOutsideClick option.
CloseOnOutsideClick(Boolean) Obsolete. Specifies whether to close the UI component if a user clicks outside the popover window or outside the target element. Mirrors the client-side closeOnOutsideClick option.
Container(JS) Mirrors the client-side container option.
Container(String) Mirrors the client-side container option.
Content(RazorBlock) Specifies content for a Popover control.
Content(String) Specifies content for a Popover control.
ContentTemplate(JS) Specifies the client-side contentTemplate.
ContentTemplate(RazorBlock) Specifies the client-side contentTemplate.
ContentTemplate(TemplateName) Specifies the client-side contentTemplate.
ContentTemplate(String) Specifies the client-side contentTemplate.
DeferRendering(JS) Specifies whether to render the UI component's content when it is displayed. If false, the content is rendered immediately. Mirrors the client-side deferRendering option.
DeferRendering(Boolean) Specifies whether to render the UI component's content when it is displayed. If false, the content is rendered immediately. Mirrors the client-side deferRendering option.
Disabled(JS) Specifies whether the UI component responds to user interaction. Mirrors the client-side disabled option.
Disabled(Boolean) Specifies whether the UI component responds to user interaction. Mirrors the client-side disabled option.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
Height(JS) Specifies the UI component's height. Mirrors the client-side height option.
Height(Double) Specifies the UI component's height. Mirrors the client-side height option.
Height(String) Specifies the UI component's height. Mirrors the client-side height option.
HideEvent(JS) Specifies properties of popover hiding. Ignored if the shading property is set to true. Mirrors the client-side hideEvent option.
HideEvent(Action<PopoverHideEventBuilder>) Specifies properties of popover hiding. Ignored if the shading property is set to true. Mirrors the client-side hideEvent object.
HideEvent(String) Specifies properties of popover hiding. Ignored if the shading property is set to true. Mirrors the client-side hideEvent option.
Hint(JS) Specifies text for a hint that appears when a user pauses on the UI component. Mirrors the client-side hint option.
Hint(String) Specifies text for a hint that appears when a user pauses on the UI component. Mirrors the client-side hint option.
HoverStateEnabled(JS) Specifies whether the UI component changes its state when a user pauses on it. Mirrors the client-side hoverStateEnabled option.
HoverStateEnabled(Boolean) Specifies whether the UI component changes its state when a user pauses on it. Mirrors the client-side hoverStateEnabled option.
ID(JS) Specifies the id attribute for the control’s HTML element (used for nested controls within templates).
ID(String) Specifies the id attribute for the control’s HTML element.
MaxHeight(JS) Specifies the maximum height the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side maxHeight option.
MaxHeight(Double) Specifies the maximum height the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side maxHeight option.
MaxHeight(String) Specifies the maximum height the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side maxHeight option.
MaxWidth(JS) Specifies the maximum width the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side maxWidth option.
MaxWidth(Double) Specifies the maximum width the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side maxWidth option.
MaxWidth(String) Specifies the maximum width the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side maxWidth option.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MinHeight(JS) Specifies the minimum height the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side minHeight option.
MinHeight(Double) Specifies the minimum height the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side minHeight option.
MinHeight(String) Specifies the minimum height the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side minHeight option.
MinWidth(JS) Specifies the minimum width the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side minWidth option.
MinWidth(Double) Specifies the minimum width the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side minWidth option.
MinWidth(String) Specifies the minimum width the UI component can reach while resizing. Mirrors the client-side minWidth option.
OnContentReady(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the UI component is rendered and each time the component is repainted. Mirrors the client-side onContentReady option.
OnContentReady(String) A function that is executed when the UI component is rendered and each time the component is repainted. Mirrors the client-side onContentReady option.
OnDisposing(RazorBlock) A function that is executed before the UI component is disposed of. Mirrors the client-side onDisposing option.
OnDisposing(String) A function that is executed before the UI component is disposed of. Mirrors the client-side onDisposing option.
OnHidden(RazorBlock) A function that is executed after the UI component is hidden. Mirrors the client-side onHidden option.
OnHidden(String) A function that is executed after the UI component is hidden. Mirrors the client-side onHidden option.
OnHiding(RazorBlock) A function that is executed before the UI component is hidden. Mirrors the client-side onHiding option.
OnHiding(String) A function that is executed before the UI component is hidden. Mirrors the client-side onHiding option.
OnInitialized(RazorBlock) A function used in JavaScript frameworks to save the UI component instance. Mirrors the client-side onInitialized option.
OnInitialized(String) A function used in JavaScript frameworks to save the UI component instance. Mirrors the client-side onInitialized option.
OnOptionChanged(RazorBlock) A function that is executed after a UI component property is changed. Mirrors the client-side onOptionChanged option.
OnOptionChanged(String) A function that is executed after a UI component property is changed. Mirrors the client-side onOptionChanged option.
OnShowing(RazorBlock) A function that is executed before the UI component is displayed. Mirrors the client-side onShowing option.
OnShowing(String) A function that is executed before the UI component is displayed. Mirrors the client-side onShowing option.
OnShown(RazorBlock) A function that is executed after the UI component is displayed. Mirrors the client-side onShown option.
OnShown(String) A function that is executed after the UI component is displayed. Mirrors the client-side onShown option.
OnTitleRendered(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the UI component's title is rendered. Mirrors the client-side onTitleRendered option.
OnTitleRendered(String) A function that is executed when the UI component's title is rendered. Mirrors the client-side onTitleRendered option.
Option(String, Object) Specifies an option by its name.
Position(Position) An object defining UI component positioning properties. Mirrors the client-side position option.
Position(Action<PositionConfigBuilder>) An object defining UI component positioning properties. Mirrors the client-side position object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Render() Inherited from WidgetBuilder.
RtlEnabled(JS) Switches the UI component to a right-to-left representation. Mirrors the client-side rtlEnabled option.
RtlEnabled(Boolean) Switches the UI component to a right-to-left representation. Mirrors the client-side rtlEnabled option.
Shading(JS) Mirrors the client-side shading option.
Shading(Boolean) Mirrors the client-side shading option.
ShadingColor(JS) Specifies the shading color. Applies only if shading is enabled. Mirrors the client-side shadingColor option.
ShadingColor(String) Specifies the shading color. Applies only if shading is enabled. Mirrors the client-side shadingColor option.
ShowCloseButton(JS) Specifies whether or not the UI component displays the Close button. Mirrors the client-side showCloseButton option.
ShowCloseButton(Boolean) Specifies whether or not the UI component displays the Close button. Mirrors the client-side showCloseButton option.
ShowEvent(JS) Specifies properties for displaying the UI component. Mirrors the client-side showEvent option.
ShowEvent(Action<PopoverShowEventBuilder>) Specifies properties for displaying the UI component. Mirrors the client-side showEvent object.
ShowEvent(String) Specifies properties for displaying the UI component. Mirrors the client-side showEvent option.
ShowTitle(JS) A Boolean value specifying whether or not to display the title in the overlay window. Mirrors the client-side showTitle option.
ShowTitle(Boolean) A Boolean value specifying whether or not to display the title in the overlay window. Mirrors the client-side showTitle option.
Target(JS) Specifies the element against which to position the widget. Mirrors the client-side target option.
Target(String) Specifies the element against which to position the widget. Mirrors the client-side target option.
Title(JS) The title in the overlay window. Mirrors the client-side title option.
Title(String) The title in the overlay window. Mirrors the client-side title option.
TitleTemplate(JS) Specifies the client-side titleTemplate.
TitleTemplate(RazorBlock) Specifies the client-side titleTemplate.
TitleTemplate(TemplateName) Specifies the client-side titleTemplate.
TitleTemplate(String) Specifies the client-side titleTemplate.
ToolbarItems(Action<CollectionFactory<PopoverToolbarItemBuilder>>) Provides access to the client-side toolbarItems option that represents a toolbar item collection.
ToString() Inherited from WidgetBuilder.
ToTemplate() Renders the control as a template string for use in another control’s template. Inherited from WidgetBuilder.
Visible(JS) Mirrors the client-side visible option.
Visible(Boolean) Mirrors the client-side visible option.
Width(JS) Specifies the UI component's width. Mirrors the client-side width option.
Width(Double) Specifies the UI component's width. Mirrors the client-side width option.
Width(String) Specifies the UI component's width. Mirrors the client-side width option.
WrapperAttr(JS) Mirrors the client-side wrapperAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
WrapperAttr(Dictionary<String, Object>) Mirrors the client-side wrapperAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
WrapperAttr(Object) Mirrors the client-side wrapperAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
WrapperAttr(String, Object) Mirrors the client-side wrapperAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
See Also