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ChartArgumentAxisBuilder.AggregationInterval Method

Name Parameters Description
AggregationInterval(JS) value Specifies the length of aggregation intervals in axis units. Applies only to axes of continuous and logarithmic types. Mirrors the client-side aggregationInterval option.
AggregationInterval(VizTimeInterval) value Specifies the length of aggregation intervals in axis units. Applies only to axes of continuous and logarithmic types. Mirrors the client-side aggregationInterval option.
AggregationInterval(Action<ChartArgumentAxisAggregationIntervalBuilder>) configurator Specifies the length of aggregation intervals in axis units. Applies only to axes of continuous and logarithmic types. Mirrors the client-side aggregationInterval object.
AggregationInterval(Double) value Specifies the length of aggregation intervals in axis units. Applies only to axes of continuous and logarithmic types. Mirrors the client-side aggregationInterval option.