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AutocompleteBuilder Methods

An Autocomplete control.
Name Description
AccessKey(JS) Specifies the shortcut key that sets focus on the UI component. Mirrors the client-side accessKey option.
AccessKey(String) Specifies the shortcut key that sets focus on the UI component. Mirrors the client-side accessKey option.
ActiveStateEnabled(JS) Mirrors the client-side activeStateEnabled option.
ActiveStateEnabled(Boolean) Mirrors the client-side activeStateEnabled option.
Buttons(Action<CollectionFactory<TextEditorButtonBuilder>>) Provides access to the client-side buttons option that represents an editor button collection.
Buttons(IEnumerable<DropDownEditorButtonName>) Mirrors the client-side buttons option.
DataSource(JS) Mirrors the client-side dataSource option.
DataSource(IEnumerable, String[]) Binds an Autocomplete control to a collection: Array, List, or IEnumerable.
DataSource(Func<DataSourceFactory, OptionsOwnerBuilder>) Binds an Autocomplete control to data, allows you to configure data access from different sources: API controllers, Razor page handlers, OData services, arrays, and more.
DataSource(String, String[]) Binds an Autocomplete control to read-only data in JSON format.
DataSourceOptions(Action<DataSourceOptionsBuilder>) Provides access to methods that mirror client-side data source options.
DeferRendering(JS) Specifies whether to render the drop-down field's content when it is displayed. If false, the content is rendered immediately. Mirrors the client-side deferRendering option.
DeferRendering(Boolean) Specifies whether to render the drop-down field's content when it is displayed. If false, the content is rendered immediately. Mirrors the client-side deferRendering option.
Disabled(JS) Specifies whether the UI component responds to user interaction. Mirrors the client-side disabled option.
Disabled(Boolean) Specifies whether the UI component responds to user interaction. Mirrors the client-side disabled option.
DisplayValue(JS) Obsolete. Returns the value currently displayed by the UI component. Mirrors the client-side displayValue option.
DisplayValue(String) Obsolete. Returns the value currently displayed by the UI component. Mirrors the client-side displayValue option.
DropDownButtonTemplate(JS) Specifies the client-side dropDownButtonTemplate.
DropDownButtonTemplate(RazorBlock) Specifies the client-side dropDownButtonTemplate.
DropDownButtonTemplate(TemplateName) Specifies the client-side dropDownButtonTemplate.
DropDownButtonTemplate(String) Specifies the client-side dropDownButtonTemplate.
DropDownOptions(Action<PopupBuilder>) Mirrors the client-side dropDownOptions object.
ElementAttr(JS) Mirrors the client-side elementAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
ElementAttr(Dictionary<String, Object>) Mirrors the client-side elementAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
ElementAttr(Object) Mirrors the client-side elementAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
ElementAttr(String, Object) Mirrors the client-side elementAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s root HTML element.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FocusStateEnabled(JS) Mirrors the client-side focusStateEnabled option.
FocusStateEnabled(Boolean) Mirrors the client-side focusStateEnabled option.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
Grouped(JS) Specifies whether data items should be grouped. Mirrors the client-side grouped option.
Grouped(Boolean) Specifies whether data items should be grouped. Mirrors the client-side grouped option.
GroupTemplate(JS) Specifies the client-side groupTemplate.
GroupTemplate(RazorBlock) Specifies the client-side groupTemplate.
GroupTemplate(TemplateName) Specifies the client-side groupTemplate.
GroupTemplate(String) Specifies the client-side groupTemplate.
Height(JS) Specifies the UI component's height. Mirrors the client-side height option.
Height(Double) Specifies the UI component's height. Mirrors the client-side height option.
Height(String) Specifies the UI component's height. Mirrors the client-side height option.
Hint(JS) Specifies text for a hint that appears when a user pauses on the UI component. Mirrors the client-side hint option.
Hint(String) Specifies text for a hint that appears when a user pauses on the UI component. Mirrors the client-side hint option.
HoverStateEnabled(JS) Mirrors the client-side hoverStateEnabled option.
HoverStateEnabled(Boolean) Mirrors the client-side hoverStateEnabled option.
ID(JS) Specifies the id attribute for the control’s HTML element (used for nested controls within templates).
ID(String) Specifies the id attribute for the control’s HTML element.
InputAttr(JS) Mirrors the client-side inputAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s underlying <input> HTML element.
InputAttr(Dictionary<String, Object>) Mirrors the client-side inputAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s underlying <input> HTML element.
InputAttr(Object) Mirrors the client-side inputAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s underlying <input> HTML element.
InputAttr(String, Object) Mirrors the client-side inputAttr option, specifies attributes for the control’s underlying <input> HTML element.
IsValid(JS) Specifies or indicates whether the editor's value is valid. Mirrors the client-side isValid option.
IsValid(Boolean) Specifies or indicates whether the editor's value is valid. Mirrors the client-side isValid option.
Items(Action<CollectionFactory<AutocompleteItemBuilder>>) Provides access to the client-side items option that represents an Autocomplete item collection.
Items(IEnumerable<String>) An array of items displayed by the UI component. Mirrors the client-side items option.
ItemTemplate(JS) Specifies the client-side itemTemplate.
ItemTemplate(RazorBlock) Specifies the client-side itemTemplate.
ItemTemplate(TemplateName) Specifies the client-side itemTemplate.
ItemTemplate(String) Specifies the client-side itemTemplate.
MaxItemCount(JS) Specifies the maximum count of items displayed by the UI component. Mirrors the client-side maxItemCount option.
MaxItemCount(Int32) Specifies the maximum count of items displayed by the UI component. Mirrors the client-side maxItemCount option.
MaxLength(JS) Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter into the textbox. Mirrors the client-side maxLength option.
MaxLength(Int32) Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter into the textbox. Mirrors the client-side maxLength option.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MinSearchLength(JS) The minimum number of characters that must be entered into the text box to begin a search. Mirrors the client-side minSearchLength option.
MinSearchLength(Int32) The minimum number of characters that must be entered into the text box to begin a search. Mirrors the client-side minSearchLength option.
Name(JS) Mirrors the client-side name option.
Name(String) Mirrors the client-side name option.
OnChange(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the UI component loses focus after the text field's content was changed using the keyboard. Mirrors the client-side onChange option.
OnChange(String) A function that is executed when the UI component loses focus after the text field's content was changed using the keyboard. Mirrors the client-side onChange option.
OnClosed(RazorBlock) A function that is executed once the drop-down editor is closed. Mirrors the client-side onClosed option.
OnClosed(String) A function that is executed once the drop-down editor is closed. Mirrors the client-side onClosed option.
OnContentReady(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the UI component is rendered and each time the component is repainted. Mirrors the client-side onContentReady option.
OnContentReady(String) A function that is executed when the UI component is rendered and each time the component is repainted. Mirrors the client-side onContentReady option.
OnCopy(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the UI component's input has been copied. Mirrors the client-side onCopy option.
OnCopy(String) A function that is executed when the UI component's input has been copied. Mirrors the client-side onCopy option.
OnCut(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the UI component's input has been cut. Mirrors the client-side onCut option.
OnCut(String) A function that is executed when the UI component's input has been cut. Mirrors the client-side onCut option.
OnDisposing(RazorBlock) A function that is executed before the UI component is disposed of. Mirrors the client-side onDisposing option.
OnDisposing(String) A function that is executed before the UI component is disposed of. Mirrors the client-side onDisposing option.
OnEnterKey(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the Enter key has been pressed while the UI component is focused. Mirrors the client-side onEnterKey option.
OnEnterKey(String) A function that is executed when the Enter key has been pressed while the UI component is focused. Mirrors the client-side onEnterKey option.
OnFocusIn(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the UI component gets focus. Mirrors the client-side onFocusIn option.
OnFocusIn(String) A function that is executed when the UI component gets focus. Mirrors the client-side onFocusIn option.
OnFocusOut(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the UI component loses focus. Mirrors the client-side onFocusOut option.
OnFocusOut(String) A function that is executed when the UI component loses focus. Mirrors the client-side onFocusOut option.
OnInitialized(RazorBlock) A function used in JavaScript frameworks to save the UI component instance. Mirrors the client-side onInitialized option.
OnInitialized(String) A function used in JavaScript frameworks to save the UI component instance. Mirrors the client-side onInitialized option.
OnInput(RazorBlock) A function that is executed each time the UI component's input is changed while the UI component is focused. Mirrors the client-side onInput option.
OnInput(String) A function that is executed each time the UI component's input is changed while the UI component is focused. Mirrors the client-side onInput option.
OnItemClick(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when a list item is clicked or tapped. Mirrors the client-side onItemClick option.
OnItemClick(String) A function that is executed when a list item is clicked or tapped. Mirrors the client-side onItemClick option.
OnKeyDown(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when a user is pressing a key on the keyboard. Mirrors the client-side onKeyDown option.
OnKeyDown(String) A function that is executed when a user is pressing a key on the keyboard. Mirrors the client-side onKeyDown option.
OnKeyUp(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when a user releases a key on the keyboard. Mirrors the client-side onKeyUp option.
OnKeyUp(String) A function that is executed when a user releases a key on the keyboard. Mirrors the client-side onKeyUp option.
OnOpened(RazorBlock) A function that is executed once the drop-down editor is opened. Mirrors the client-side onOpened option.
OnOpened(String) A function that is executed once the drop-down editor is opened. Mirrors the client-side onOpened option.
OnOptionChanged(RazorBlock) A function that is executed after a UI component property is changed. Mirrors the client-side onOptionChanged option.
OnOptionChanged(String) A function that is executed after a UI component property is changed. Mirrors the client-side onOptionChanged option.
OnPaste(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when the UI component's input has been pasted. Mirrors the client-side onPaste option.
OnPaste(String) A function that is executed when the UI component's input has been pasted. Mirrors the client-side onPaste option.
OnSelectionChanged(RazorBlock) A function that is executed when a list item is selected or selection is canceled. Mirrors the client-side onSelectionChanged option.
OnSelectionChanged(String) A function that is executed when a list item is selected or selection is canceled. Mirrors the client-side onSelectionChanged option.
OnValueChanged(RazorBlock) A function that is executed after the UI component's value is changed. Mirrors the client-side onValueChanged option.
OnValueChanged(String) A function that is executed after the UI component's value is changed. Mirrors the client-side onValueChanged option.
Opened(JS) Specifies whether or not the drop-down editor is displayed. Mirrors the client-side opened option.
Opened(Boolean) Specifies whether or not the drop-down editor is displayed. Mirrors the client-side opened option.
OpenOnFieldClick(JS) Specifies whether a user can open the drop-down list by clicking a text field. Mirrors the client-side openOnFieldClick option.
OpenOnFieldClick(Boolean) Specifies whether a user can open the drop-down list by clicking a text field. Mirrors the client-side openOnFieldClick option.
Option(String, Object) Specifies an option by its name.
Placeholder(JS) Specifies a text string displayed when the editor's value is empty. Mirrors the client-side placeholder option.
Placeholder(String) Specifies a text string displayed when the editor's value is empty. Mirrors the client-side placeholder option.
ReadOnly(JS) Mirrors the client-side readOnly option.
ReadOnly(Boolean) Mirrors the client-side readOnly option.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Render() Inherited from WidgetBuilder.
RtlEnabled(JS) Switches the UI component to a right-to-left representation. Mirrors the client-side rtlEnabled option.
RtlEnabled(Boolean) Switches the UI component to a right-to-left representation. Mirrors the client-side rtlEnabled option.
SearchExpr(JS) Specifies the name of a data source item field or an expression whose value is compared to the search criterion. Mirrors the client-side searchExpr option.
SearchExpr(IEnumerable<String>) Specifies the name of a data source item field or an expression whose value is compared to the search criterion. Mirrors the client-side searchExpr option.
SearchExpr(String[]) Specifies the name of a data source item field or an expression whose value is compared to the search criterion. Mirrors the client-side searchExpr option.
SearchMode(DropDownSearchMode) Specifies a comparison operation used to search UI component items. Mirrors the client-side searchMode option.
SearchTimeout(JS) Specifies the time delay, in milliseconds, after the last character has been typed in, before a search is executed. Mirrors the client-side searchTimeout option.
SearchTimeout(Double) Specifies the time delay, in milliseconds, after the last character has been typed in, before a search is executed. Mirrors the client-side searchTimeout option.
ShowClearButton(JS) Specifies whether to display the Clear button in the UI component. Mirrors the client-side showClearButton option.
ShowClearButton(Boolean) Specifies whether to display the Clear button in the UI component. Mirrors the client-side showClearButton option.
ShowDropDownButton(JS) Mirrors the client-side showDropDownButton option.
ShowDropDownButton(Boolean) Mirrors the client-side showDropDownButton option.
Spellcheck(JS) Specifies whether or not the UI component checks the inner text for spelling mistakes. Mirrors the client-side spellcheck option.
Spellcheck(Boolean) Specifies whether or not the UI component checks the inner text for spelling mistakes. Mirrors the client-side spellcheck option.
StylingMode(EditorStylingMode) Specifies how the UI component's text field is styled. Mirrors the client-side stylingMode option.
TabIndex(JS) Specifies the number of the element when the Tab key is used for navigating. Mirrors the client-side tabIndex option.
TabIndex(Int32) Specifies the number of the element when the Tab key is used for navigating. Mirrors the client-side tabIndex option.
ToString() Inherited from WidgetBuilder.
ToTemplate() Renders the control as a template string for use in another control’s template. Inherited from WidgetBuilder.
UseItemTextAsTitle(JS) Specifies whether the widget uses item's text a title attribute. Mirrors the client-side useItemTextAsTitle option.
UseItemTextAsTitle(Boolean) Specifies whether the widget uses item's text a title attribute. Mirrors the client-side useItemTextAsTitle option.
ValidationError(Object) Information on the broken validation rule. Contains the first item from the validationErrors array. Mirrors the client-side validationError option.
ValidationErrors(JS) An array of the validation rules that failed. Mirrors the client-side validationErrors option.
ValidationErrors(IEnumerable) An array of the validation rules that failed. Mirrors the client-side validationErrors option.
ValidationMessageMode(ValidationMessageMode) Specifies how the message about the validation rules that are not satisfied by this editor's value is displayed. Mirrors the client-side validationMessageMode option.
ValidationMessagePosition(Mode) Specifies the position of a validation message relative to the component. The validation message describes the validation rules that this component's value does not satisfy. Mirrors the client-side validationMessagePosition option.
ValidationMessagePosition(Position) Specifies the position of a validation message relative to the component. The validation message describes the validation rules that this component's value does not satisfy. Mirrors the client-side validationMessagePosition option.
ValidationStatus(ValidationStatus) Indicates or specifies the current validation status. Mirrors the client-side validationStatus option.
Value(JS) Specifies the current value displayed by the UI component. Mirrors the client-side value option.
Value(String) Specifies the current value displayed by the UI component. Mirrors the client-side value option.
ValueChangeEvent(JS) Specifies the DOM events after which the UI component's value should be updated. Mirrors the client-side valueChangeEvent option.
ValueChangeEvent(String) Specifies the DOM events after which the UI component's value should be updated. Mirrors the client-side valueChangeEvent option.
ValueExpr(JS) Mirrors the client-side valueExpr option.
ValueExpr(String) Mirrors the client-side valueExpr option.
Visible(JS) Specifies whether the UI component is visible. Mirrors the client-side visible option.
Visible(Boolean) Specifies whether the UI component is visible. Mirrors the client-side visible option.
Width(JS) Specifies the UI component's width. Mirrors the client-side width option.
Width(Double) Specifies the UI component's width. Mirrors the client-side width option.
Width(String) Specifies the UI component's width. Mirrors the client-side width option.
WrapItemText(JS) Specifies whether text that exceeds the drop-down list width should be wrapped. Mirrors the client-side wrapItemText option.
WrapItemText(Boolean) Specifies whether text that exceeds the drop-down list width should be wrapped. Mirrors the client-side wrapItemText option.
See Also