ASPxClientCommandConsts Properties
Declares client constants that contain the names of the ASPxHtmlEditor‘s default client commands.
Name | Description |
APPLYCSS_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that wraps the currently selected text content in a specific html tag with a css class assigned to it. |
BACKCOLOR_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the color of a back color pickers and sets the selected text back color. |
BOLD_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that applies the bold text formatting to the selected text. If it’s already applied, cancels it. |
CHANGEAUDIO_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the selected audio element. |
CHANGEAUDIO_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Change Audio dialog. |
CHANGEELEMENTPROPERTIES_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes properties of the element selected in the tag inspector. |
CHANGEELEMENTPROPERTIES_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Change Element Properties dialog. |
CHANGEFLASH_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the selected flash element. |
CHANGEFLASH_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Change Flash dialog. |
CHANGEIMAGE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the selected image. |
CHANGEIMAGE_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Change Image dialog. |
CHANGELINK_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Change Link dialog. |
CHANGEPLACEHOLDER_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the selected placeholder. |
CHANGEPLACEHOLDER_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Change Placeholder dialog. |
CHANGETABLE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the selected table. |
CHANGETABLECELL_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the selected table cell. |
CHANGETABLECOLUMN_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the selected table column. |
CHANGETABLEROW_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the selected table row. |
CHANGEVIDEO_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the selected video element. |
CHANGEVIDEO_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Change Video dialog. |
Identifies a command that changes the selected You |
Identifies a command that invokes the Change You |
CHECKSPELLING_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that initiates spell checking. |
COLLAPSETAG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that collapses the selected HTML tag. |
COMMENT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that comments the selected HTML code. If no code is selected, it comments the focused tag. |
CONTINUEORDEREDLIST_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that continues a disrupted ordered list. |
COPY_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that copies the selected content. |
CUSTOMDIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes a custom dialog. |
CUT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that cuts the selected content. |
DELETE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that deletes the selected content. |
DELETETABLE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that deletes the currently selected table. |
DELETETABLECOLUMN_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that deletes the currently selected table column. |
DELETETABLEROW_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that deletes the currently selected table row. |
EXPANDTAG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that expands the selected HTML tag. |
EXPORT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that exports the html editor content. |
FINDANDREPLACE_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Find and Replace dialog. |
FONTCOLOR_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the color of a fore color pickers and sets the selected text fore color. |
FONTNAME_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the font of the selected text. |
FONTSIZE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that changes the size of the selected text. |
FORMATBLOCK_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that wraps the selected paragraph in the specified html tag. |
FORMATDOCUMENT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that formats the current HTML document. |
FULLSCREEN_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that toggles the full-screen mode. |
INDENT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that creates an indent for the selected paragarph. |
INDENTLINE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that applies the indent formatting to the selected content. |
INSERTAUDIO_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new audio element. |
INSERTAUDIO_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Insert Audio dialog. |
INSERTFLASH_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new flash element. |
INSERTFLASH_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Insert Flash dialog. |
INSERTIMAGE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new image. |
INSERTIMAGE_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Insert Image dialog. |
INSERTLINK_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new hyperlink. |
INSERTLINK_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Insert Link dialog. |
INSERTORDEREDLIST_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new ordered list. |
INSERTPLACEHOLDER_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new placeholder. |
INSERTPLACEHOLDER_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Insert Placeholder dialog. |
INSERTTABLE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new table. |
INSERTTABLE_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Insert Table dialog. |
INSERTTABLECOLUMNTOLEFT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new column to the left from the currently focused one. |
INSERTTABLECOLUMNTORIGHT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new column to the right from the currently focused one. |
INSERTTABLEROWABOVE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new row above the currently focused one. |
INSERTTABLEROWBELOW_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new row below the currently focused one. |
INSERTUNORDEREDLIST_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new unordered list. |
INSERTVIDEO_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that inserts a new video. |
INSERTVIDEO_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Insert Video dialog. |
Identifies a command that inserts a new You |
Identifies a command that invokes the Insert You |
ITALIC_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that makes the selected text italic or regular type depending on the current state. |
JUSTIFYCENTER_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that centers the content of the currently focused paragraph. |
JUSTIFYFULL_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that fully justifies the content of the currently focused paragraph (aligned with both the left and right margines). |
JUSTIFYLEFT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that left justifies the content of the currently focused paragraph. |
JUSTIFYRIGHT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that right justifies the content of the currently focused paragraph. |
MERGETABLECELLDOWN_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that merges the focused table cell with the one below. |
MERGETABLECELLRIGHT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that merges the focused table cell with the one to the right. |
OUTDENT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that creates an outdent for the focused paragarph. |
OUTDENTLINE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that applies the outdent formatting to the focused content. |
PASTE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that pastes the content of the clipboard at the current cursor position. |
PASTEFROMWORD_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that pastes a specified content taking into account that it was copied from Word. |
PASTEFROMWORDDIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Paste from Word dialog. |
PASTEHTML_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that can be used to correctly insert HTML code into the editor. |
Identifies a command that pastes the content of the clipboard to the current cursor position, taking into account that the ASPx |
Identifies a command that pastes the content of the clipboard to the current cursor position, taking into account that the ASPx |
Identifies a command that pastes the content of the clipboard to the current cursor position, taking into account that the ASPx |
PRINT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes a default browser Print dialog, allowing an end-user to print the content of the html editor. |
REDO_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that returns a previously canceled action. |
REMOVEFORMAT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that removes all formatting from the selected content. |
RESTARTORDEREDLIST_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that restarts the current ordered list. |
SELECT_ALL static | Identifies a command that selects all content inside the html editor. |
SHOWINTELLISENSE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that shows intellisense for the HTML code editor. |
SHOWSEARCHPANEL_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that shows a search panel. |
SPLITTABLECELLHORIZONTALLY_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that splits the current table cell horizontally. |
SPLITTABLECELLVERTICALLY_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that splits the current table cell vertically. |
STRIKETHROUGH_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that applies the strike through text formatting to the selected text. If it’s already applied, cancels it. |
SUBSCRIPT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that applies the subscript text formatting to the selected text. If it’s already applied, cancels it. |
SUPERSCRIPT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that applies the superscript text formatting to the selected text. If it’s already applied, cancels it. |
TABLECELLPROPERTIES_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Cell Properties dialog. |
TABLECOLUMNPROPERTIES_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Column Properties dialog. |
TABLEPROPERTIES_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Table Properties dialog. |
TABLEROWPROPERTIES_DIALOG_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that invokes the Row Properties dialog. |
UNCOMMENTHTML_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that uncomments the selected HTML code. If no code is selected, the command uncomments the currently focused tag. |
UNDERLINE_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that applies the underline text formatting to the selected text. If it’s already applied, cancels it. |
UNDO_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that cancels the last action. |
UNLINK_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that removes a hyperlink from the selected text or image. |
UPDATEDOCUMENT_COMMAND static | Identifies a command that updates the editor content. |
See Also