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ASPxListBox.SelectionMode Property

Gets or sets a value that specifies item selection behavior.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


public ListEditSelectionMode SelectionMode { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
ListEditSelectionMode Single

One of the ListEditSelectionMode enumeration values.

Available values:

Name Description

Only one list box item can be selected at once.


Multiple items can be selected within the editor by clicking list items while pressing Ctrl (to add an individual item) or Shift (to select a range of items).


Multiple items can be selected within the editor by clicking specific check boxes or list items (the Shift key can also be used in this mode to select a range of items).


This property is a wrapper of the ListBoxProperties.SelectionMode property.


This part of the Multiple Selection demo illustrates how to use multi-selection mode for the ASPxListBox editor.

<dx:ASPxListBox ID="lbFeatures" runat="server" SelectionMode="CheckColumn" Height="210px"
    DataSourceID="Features" ValueField="ID" ValueType="System.String" TextField="Name">
    <ClientSideEvents SelectedIndexChanged="function(s, e) {lbModels.PerformCallback('1');}" />
<dx:ASPxListBox ID="lbModels" runat="server" SelectionMode="CheckColumn" 
Height="210px" width="250px" ClientInstanceName="lbModels" 
DataSourceID="PhoneModels" ValueField="ID" ValueType="System.String" 
OnCallback="lbModels_Callback" >
      <dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="Name" Caption="Model" width="100%"/>
      <dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="Price" width="50px"/>
protected void lbModels_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.CallbackEventArgsBase e) {
protected void FilterModels(ListEditItemCollection items) {
See Also