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Supported Data Types

The ASPxHiddenField control supports the following data types:

#List and Dictionary Type Support

ASPxHiddenField allows you to store values in containers (lists and dictionaries). These containers can have any nesting level. For example, the control can store a specifically designed business object with a set of key/value ({property name}/{property value}) pairs.

If the key in a key/value pair is set to String.Empty, ASPxHiddenField does not render.

If you add an IList or IDictionary object without custom type verification to the ASPxHiddenField control’s collection of key/value pairs, the control does not restore the object and generates a security warning.

To explicitly trust a data type for restore operations, call the DevExpress.Utils.BindToTypePolicy.RegisterTrustedClass method before you run your application:

static void Main() {
   // ...

#Unsupported Types

ASPxHiddenField does not serialize objects of the following types into JavaScript client-side objects: