Callback Control
ASPxCallback is a non-visual control that allows you to send and process callbacks.
The ASPxCallback component implements a comprehensive client-side functionality to enable callbacks on the client. The client-side object model contains the client object for the ASPxCallback control (ASPxClientCallback), its method required to send a callback to the server (ASPxClientCallback.PerformCallback), a method that indicates whether a callback is being processed (ASPxClientControlBase.InCallback), and an event that allows you to process the callback (ASPxClientCallback.CallbackComplete) when it returns to the client side. Use the ASPxCallback.ClientSideEvents property to access properties that correspond to the control’s client-side events. To handle an event, assign an event handler to the corresponding property. Specify the ASPxCallback.ClientInstanceName property to identify the ASPxClientCallback object on the client side.
The ASPxClientCallback.PerformCallback method sends a callback to the server and raises the server-side ASPxCallback.Callback event. You can handle this event to process the callback.