Built-in Controllers and Actions in Extra Modules
- 29 minutes to read
This topic lists built-in Controllers and their Actions supplied with XAF’s additional modules.
For more information on a particular Controller or Action, navigate to the Application Model‘s ActionDesign | Controllers or ActionDesign | Actions node in the Model Editor.
To determine whether an Action is displayed in a particular window, make sure that the Template contains the Action Container that displays the Action. To determine the Action’s Action Container, use the Application Model’s ActionDesign | ActionToContainerMapping node.
#Audit Trail Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.AuditTrail.Xpo.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Views that display IBaseAuditDataItemPersistent
objects. Makes these Views read-only to prohibit users from editing audit information.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.AuditTrail.Xpo.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for nested List Views that display IBaseAuditDataItemPersistent
objects. Makes new audit entries accessible after the corresponding changes to object are saved.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.AuditTrail.Xpo.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views. Used internally. When XAF loads a collection with a criterion, the Controller changes the audit type to ObjectChanged
(if the ObjectLoaded
type was set previously).
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.AuditTrail.Xpo.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for root Detail Views. Activates the system of auditing changes for the XPO session in which a View is invoked.
#Clone Object Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.CloneObject.Xpo.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List and Detail Views. Contains the Clone Action. This Action allows users to clone an object selected in a List View or the current object in a Detail View. It invokes a Detail View with a new object and copies the property values from the original object.
See Also: CloneObjectViewController
#Conditional Appearance Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ConditionalAppearance.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List and Detail Views. Collects Actions mentioned in the current object’s appearance rules and refreshes their appearance.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ConditionalAppearance.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List and Detail Views. Collects the current appearance rules declared for the business object (see IModelConditionalAppearance and AppearanceAttribute). Exposes the RefreshItemAppearance
method used by other module controllers to refresh the appearance.
See Also: AppearanceController
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ConditionalAppearance.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views. Refreshes Detail View items’ appearance.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ConditionalAppearance.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views. Refreshes layout items’ appearance.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ConditionalAppearance.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views. Refreshes the current ListEditor appearance if the editor supports the ISupportAppearanceCustomization
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ConditionalAppearance.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List and Detail Views. Refreshes the appearance when the View.SelectionChanged, View.CurrentObjectChanged, BaseObjectSpace.ObjectChanged, and BaseObjectSpace.Committed events occur.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ConditionalAppearance.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The DetailViewItemAppearanceController‘s and DetailViewLayoutItemAppearanceController‘s abstract base class.
#Dashboards Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Assigns a ViewShortcut to Dashboard Detail View for each navigation item that supports the IModelDashboardNavigationItem interface.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for the “DashboardViewer_DetailView” Detail View. Deactivates the NewObjectViewController, ModificationsController and DeleteObjectsViewController to prohibit the creation, editing, and deletion of dashboard instances.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none
The WinNewDashboardController‘s and WebNewDashboardController‘s base class. Implements the common functionality required to create new Dashboards.
#ASP.NET Core Blazor
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Views that display IDashboardData objects. Updates NewObjectAction‘s ImageName
to the dashboard-specific image.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views that display IDashboardData objects. Deactivates the NewObjectViewController.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views that display IDashboardData objects. Deactivates the RefreshController.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
A NewDashboardController descendant. Contains Blazor-specific code that allows users to create new dashboards.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Implements “unsaved changes” confirmation dialog functionality in BlazorDashboardViewerViewItem.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: DashboardExportToXml.
Activated for Detail Views that display IDashboardData objects. Exports dashboard content to XML.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: DashboardSwitchToDesigner, DashboardSwitchToViewer.
Activated for Detail Views that display IDashboardData objects. Includes Actions that change DxDashboard.WorkingMode.
#Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ShowDesignerAction.
Activated in IDashboardData objects’ List and Detail Views. The ShowDesignerAction Action allows users to modify dashboards in the Dashboard Designer. Uses WinShowDashboardDesignerController to show the WinForms Dashboard Designer.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ExportAction.
Activated for the “DashboardViewer_DetailView” Detail View. The ExportAction Action allows users to export the dashboards to various formats.
Platform: Windows Forms. Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win.v24.2.dll.
Inherits the NewDashboardController. Contains Windows Forms specific code to create new dashboards. Uses WinShowDashboardDesignerController to show the WinForms Dashboard Designer.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: PrintAction.
Activated for the “DashboardViewer_DetailView” Detail View. The PrintAction Action allows users to print the current dashboard.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Contains the DashboardDesignerManager instance. Exposes the ShowDesigner
and the GetDashboardData
methods the Dashboards Module Controllers use to show the WinForms Dashboard Designer and then get the modified IDashboardData object.
#ASP.NET Web Forms
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ExportDashboardAction, DashboardParametersAction.
Activated for the IDashboardData Detail View with the “DashboardViewer_DetailView” identifier. The ExportDashboardAction Action allows users to export the dashboards to various formats. The DashboardParametersAction Action allows users to invoke the Dashboard Parameters dialog.
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for the “DashboardViewer_DetailView” Detail View. Contains ASP.NET Web Forms-specific code that performs the ASPxDashboard control setup.
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: Accept.
A DialogController descendant activated for the Dashboard Designer dialog. Introduces the custom Accept Action and deactivates the Cancel Action.
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Registers the client script that performs the client-side dashboard control setup.
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ShowDesignerAction.
Activated in IDashboardData objects’ List and Detail Views. Makes the current View read-only to prohibit creating, editing, and deleting dashboard instances. The ShowDesignerAction Action allows users to modify dashboards in the Dashboard Designer.
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Inherits the NewDashboardController Controller. Contains ASP.NET Web Forms-specific code to create new dashboards.
#File Attachments Module
#Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: Open, SaveTo.
The base class that implements the FileAttachmentController‘s and FileAttachmentListViewController‘s common functionality.
#FileAttachmentController for Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: Open, SaveTo.
Activated when the current View’s object type uses the FileAttachment
attribute. The Open Action allows users to open a file using an associated application. The Save Action allows users to save a file to a local disk.
See Also:FileAttachmentController
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: AddFromFile.
Activated for List Views whose object type uses the FileAttachment
attribute. Contains the AddFromFile Action that allows users to add file attachments to List Views using a standard Open File dialog. This Controller also supports drag-and-drop functionality to add file attachments to a List View.
See Also:FileAttachmentListViewController
#ASP.NET Web Forms
#FileAttachmentController for ASP.NET Web Forms
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: Download.
Activated when the current View’s object type uses the FileAttachment
attribute. Contains the Download Action that allows users to load a file’s content using a browser.
See Also:FileAttachmentController
#KPI Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Kpi.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The controller is inherited from the RefreshKpiController. Refreshes the IKpiInstance
objects after the Collection Source’s List View collection has been recreated.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Kpi.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for nested List Views that display IKpiInstance
objects. The Controller subscribes to the ActionBase.Executing event of the ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController.ProcessCurrentObjectAction Action, and displays the drill-down List View when a user clicks an IKpiInstance
object. If the current List View is a lookup, the Executing
event is not handled. The List View with an identifier, specified by the IKpiDefinition.DrillDownListViewId
property, is used as drilldown by default. You can handle the Controller’s DrilldownViewInitialized
event and specify a custom List View via the handler’s ModelView
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Kpi.v24.2.dll.
Actions: RefreshKpi.
The controller is inherited from the RefreshKpiController. The RefreshKPI Action allows users to refresh displayed IKpiInstance
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Kpi.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views that display KpiDashboardOrganizationItem
objects. For internal use.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Kpi.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views displaying IKpiDefinition
objects. Provides a preview (drilldown) of the current IKpiDefinition
object that is refreshed when the IKpiDefinition.TargetObjectType
property is changed. The nested List View with an identifier, specified by the IKpiDefinition.DrillDownListViewId
property is used to display a preview.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Kpi.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List and Detail Views displaying IKpiInstance
objects. Deactivates the NewObjectViewController and DeleteObjectsViewController Controllers to prohibit the creation and deletion of KPI instances.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Kpi.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The AutoRefreshKpiController‘s and ForceRefreshKpiController‘s base class. Activated for List and Detail Views displaying IKpiInstance
objects. Implements the common functionality required to refresh KPI instances.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Kpi.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ShowChart.
Activated for List Views displaying IKpiInstance
objects. The ShowChart Action invokes the pop-up window with a KpiInstance_Chart_DetailView Detail View. This View displays the selected IKpiInstance
object as a chart.
#Office Module
#ASP.NET Core Blazor
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
A RichTextMailMergeControllerBase
descendant. Activated for Detail Views that display IRichTextMailMergeData
objects. Contains Blazor-specific code that supports the Mail Merge feature.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ShowInDocument.
A RichTextShowInDocumentControllerBase
descendant. The ShowInDocument Action is activated for Views whose object type is used in Mail Merge Template objects.
#Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Views that display IRichTextMailMergeData
objects. Implements the common Mail Merge functionality. Allows you to customize Mail Merge settings.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Views that contain RichTextPropertyEditor
. Creates a Menu Manager for the RichTextPropertyEditor
, depending on the application settings (see Use Rich Text Documents in Business Objects). Allows you to customize ribbon menu and bars.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: OpenAction, SaveAsAction
Activated for Views that contain RichTextPropertyEditor
or SpreadsheetPropertyEditor
. Customizes print actions for the main menu and application button. The OpenAction allows users to open a document in different formats. The SaveAsAction allows users to save document to the file system in different formats.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views. Applies internal settings to RichEditControl
before GridView
displays it in a cell. Allows you to customize the control.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Allows you to customize the RichEditControl
and RichTextRibbonForm
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Views that contain RichTextPropertyEditor
. Adds a context menu item. This item opens the content of the current rich text editor in a pop-up window. Allows you to customize RichTextRibbonForm
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ShowInDocument
Activated for Views. The ShowInDocument Action is activated for Views whose object type is used in Mail Merge Template objects.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Views that contain SpreadsheetPropertyEditor
. Creates a Menu Manager for the SpreadsheetPropertyEditor
, depending on the application settings . For more information, refer to the following topic: Use Spreadsheet Documents in Business Objects. Allows you to customize ribbon menu and bars.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Allows you to customize SpreadsheetControl
and its RibbonControl
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Views that contain SpreadsheetPropertyEditor
. Adds a context menu item. This item opens the content of the current Spreadsheet editor in a pop-up window. Allows you to customize SpreadsheetRibbonForm
#ASP.NET Web Forms
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ShowInDocument
The ShowInDocument Action is activated for Views whose object type is used in Mail Merge Template objects.
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Views that display IRichTextMailMergeData
objects. Implements the common Mail Merge functionality. Allows you to customize Mail Merge settings.
#Pivot Chart Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.v24.2.dll.
Actions: BindAnalysisData, UnbindAnalysisData.
The controller is inherited from the AnalysisViewControllerBase Controller. The BindAnalysisData Action retrieves objects to be analyzed by the pivot grid. The UnbindAnalysisData clears the pivot grid’s data source. Use these Actions to update the pivot grid’s data source after an Analysis object’s property was changed (for example, the Criteria
or ObjectType
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views whose object type implements the IAnalysisInfo
interface. Makes the Analysis Editor’s control read-only when the current View is read-only.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views whose object type implements the IAnalysisInfo
interface. If there is an Analysis Property Editor in the current Detail View, it updates the Actions state. The AnalysisDataBindController, WinAnalysisViewControllerBase and PrintChartAnalysisController inherits this Controller.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in the main Window. Adds the contextual Analysis navigation groups. These groups expose navigation items that provide users with access to Analysis objects related to a certain navigation item when TreeList
navigation is enabled.
#Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The controller is inherited from the System Module‘s ColumnChooserControllerBase
Controller. Handles the Field List form.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: PrintChart, PrintPreviewPivotGrid.
Inherits the WinAnalysisViewControllerBase Controller. The Actions of this Controller can be used to print the AnalysisEditorWin
Property Editor’s content.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ChartWizard.
The controller is inherited from the AnalysisViewControllerBase Controller. Contains the ChartWizard Action, which allows a user to run the Chart Designer. This Action is not activated when the current Detail View does not contain an Analysis Property Editor. It is also disabled when the Analysis Property Editor’s chart control is invisible.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
A platform-specific AnalysisViewControllerBase descendant. Updates the Actions state when the chart visibility changes in the AnalysisEditorWin
property editor. Inherited by the AnalysisPrintPreviewController and PivotChartDesignViewController.
#ASP.NET Web Forms
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: PrintChart.
The controller is inherited from the AnalysisViewControllerBase Controller. Contains the PrintChart Action, which allows users to print the chart contained in the current Detail View’s Analysis Property Editor. This Action is enabled when an Analysis Property Editor is contained in the current Detail View.
#Pivot Grid Module
#ASP.NET Web Forms
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotGrid.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in List Views visualized by the ASPxPivotGridListEditor
List Editor. The ShowChartAction toggles the visibility of a chart displayed below the pivot.
#Reports V2 Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.v24.2.dll.
Actions: CopyPredefinedReport.
Activated in List Views that display IReportDataV2 objects. Provides the CopyPredefinedReport Action used to copy a selected predefined read-only report to an editable report.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in the main window. Adds the contextual Reports navigation groups. These groups expose navigation items providing users with instant access to reports related to a certain navigation item when TreeList navigation is enabled.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in List Views that display IReportDataV2 objects. Disables the Delete action in the DeleteObjectsViewController when the selected objects contain a predefined report.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in List Views that display IReportDataV2 objects. Allows users to create new reports using a report wizard.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.v24.2.dll.
Actions: Accept, Cancel.
A DialogController descendant activated for the report parameters dialog. Introduces custom Accept and Cancel actions.
See Also:PreviewReportDialogController
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ShowInReport.
Activated in all Views. Provides the ShowInReport used to execute In-Place Reports.
See Also:PrintSelectionBaseController | PrintSelectionBaseController.ShowInReportAction
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ExecuteReport.
Activated in List Views that display IReportDataV2 objects. Provides the ExecuteReport Action used to execute a selected report.
See Also:ReportServiceController | ReportsControllerCore.ExecuteReportAction
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Contains the common code used to display the Preview Report window. Exposes the ReportServiceController.ShowPreview method that invokes the Preview Report window.
See Also:ReportServiceController
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The controller is inherited from the ReportServiceController. Contains platform-specific code to display the Preview Report window in an ASP.NET Web Forms application.
See Also: WebReportServiceController
#ASP.NET Core Blazor
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
A ReportServiceController descendant. Contains platform-specific code that displays the Preview Report window in XAF ASP.NET Core Blazor applications.
Actions: EditReportAction.
An EditReportControllerCore
descendant. Activated in List Views that display IReportDataV2 objects. Contains platform-specific code that allows users to edit a report in XAF ASP.NET Core Blazor applications.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ReportWizard_Create, ReportWizard_Close.
A DialogController descendant. A report-specific controller with custom Accept and Cancel Actions.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Report Detail Views. Hides the main toolbar.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ExecuteReport.
A ReportsControllerCore descendant. Activated in List Views that display IReportDataV2 objects. Implements the ExecuteReport Action.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Handles the ProcessViewShortcutController.CustomProcessShortcut
event to manage View Shortcuts related to Report Views.
#Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Inherits the ReportsControllerCore Controller. Activated in List Views that display IReportDataV2 objects. Initializes the ReportsControllerCore.ExecuteReportAction Action.
See Also: WinReportsController
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The controller is inherited from the ReportServiceController. Contains Windows Forms-specific code that allows users to create, design, and view reports.
See Also: WinReportServiceController
#ASP.NET Web Forms
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.v24.2.dll.
Actions: PrintReportTo_Mht, PrintReportTo_Rtf, PrintReportTo_Pdf, PrintReportTo_Xls, ShowReportInPreviewWindow.
Inherits the ReportsControllerCore Controller. Activated in List Views that display IReportDataV2 objects. Provides the ShowReportInPreviewWindow Action and a set of Actions used to export reports to various formats. Note that these format-specific Actions are inactive unless you set the ReportsAspNetModuleV2.ShowFormatSpecificExportActions property to true
See Also:WebReportsController
#Scheduler Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views that represent IEvent
Designed to create Exceptions for Recurring Events when they are changed.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views representing IEvent
objects. This Controller is a base for the platform-specific SchedulerListViewControllers
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in Detail Views of the objects that implement the IRecurrentEvent
interface. Represents a base class for Windows Forms and ASP.NET Web Forms SchedulerRecurrenceInfo
Controllers. Manages the Property Editor of the Recurrence
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.v24.2.dll. Actions: none.
Activated in Detail Views that represent the objects that implement the IRecurrentEvent
Make the resources collection read-only when the current Detail View visualizes an occurrence. A resources collection can be edited for the entire series only.
#ASP.NET Core Blazor
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views that display IEvent
objects. Disables validation for Warning and Information rules (IgnoreWarningAndInformationRules set to true
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views that display IEvent
objects. Enables validation for Warning and Information rules (IgnoreWarningAndInformationRules set to false
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views. Filters DxScheduler‘s Data Source by the current date interval.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views. Refreshes the SchedulerListEditor when an Appointment Edit Form is closed.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views. Deactivates the FilterController.FullTextFilterAction if the List View uses a SchedulerListEditor.
#SchedulerListViewController for ASP.NET Core Blazor
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
A SchedulerListViewControllerBase descendant. Contains platform-specific code that allows the DxScheduler control to work in an XAF application.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for nested List Views. Sets DxScheduler.VisibleResourcesDataSource based on the master object.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views. Adjusts DxScheduler settings to prevent data change that are prohibited by the security system.
#SchedulerRecurrenceInfoController for ASP.NET Core Blazor
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
A SchedulerRecurrenceInfoControllerBase descendant. Contains Blazor-specific code that manages the Property Editor of the Recurrence
#ASP.NET Web Forms
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: EditSeries, OpenSeries and RestoreOccurrence.
Activated for List Views that display the IRecurrentEvent
objects. The EditSeries Action allows users to modify the entire series generated from a Recurring Event, or the Edit Action to modify a particular series instance. The OpenSeries Action allows users to view the selected Recurring Event as a series. For example, the resource collection changed in the invoked View is changed for all Events in the series. The Edit Action executed for the displayed series allows you to edit the entire series. Use the Open Action to view and edit a particular Event in a series. The RestoreOccurrence Action allows users to change a Recurring Event’s pattern if it was changed and no longer adheres to the recurring series’s pattern that the Event belongs to.
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: EditSeriesDetailView.
Activated for Detail Views displaying IRecurrentEvent
objects. The EditSeriesDetailView Action allows users to modify the viewed Recurring Event‘s entire series.
#SchedulerListViewController for ASP.NET Web Forms
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The controller is inherited from the SchedulerListViewControllerBase Controller. Contains ASP.NET Web Forms specific code that sets up the ASPxScheduler
control to work in an XAF application.
#SchedulerRecurrenceInfoController for ASP.NET Web Forms
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The controller is inherited from the SchedulerRecurrenceInfoControllerBase Controller.
Contains ASP.NET Web Forms specific code to manage the Property Editor of the Recurrence
#Windows Forms
#SchedulerListViewController for Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The controller is inherited from the SchedulerListViewControllerBase Controller. Contains Windows Forms-specific code that sets up the Scheduler
control to work in an XAF application.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views that display IEvent
objects. For internal use. When a Detail View is invoked from the List View displayed by SchedulerListEditor, this Controller refreshes the Scheduler editor when an object is changed or a change is committed in the Detail View.
#SchedulerRecurrenceInfoController for Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The controller is inherited from the SchedulerRecurrenceInfoControllerBase Controller. Contains Windows Forms specific code to manage the Property Editor of the Recurrence
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Win.v24.2.dll. Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views displaying IResource
objects. Displays the “Please refresh the event detail view to load changes” warning when the current object is deleted. The message is localizable under the Localization | Messages | SchedulerResourceDeletingWarning node.
#Script Recorder
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ScriptRecorder.v24.2.dll.
Actions: PauseRecording, ResumeRecord, SaveScript, ShowScript, SaveScriptForDialogWindow.
The platform-agnostic base class for WinScriptRecorderController and WebScriptRecorderController Controllers.
#Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ScriptRecorder.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: inherited.
The ScriptRecorderControllerBase descendant, implementing platform-specific save functionality. When the SaveScript or SaveScriptForDialogWindow Action is executed, the script is saved via the standard Save File dialog.
#ASP.NET Web Forms
Platform: ASP.NET Web Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ScriptRecorder.Web.v24.2.dll.
Actions: inherited.
The ScriptRecorderControllerBase descendant, implementing a platform-specific save functionality. The script to be saved is written to the HTTP output stream when the SaveScript or SaveScriptForDialogWindow Action is executed. The script can be saved using a browser.
#Security System
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ChangePasswordByUser.
Activated for the My Details Detail View. The ChangePasswordByUser Action allows users to change their password. The ChangePasswordController
class calls the IAuthenticationStandardUser.SetPassword method to change the password and modify the selected object. The ChangePasswordByUser action is available when a user selects an object that represents the SecuritySystem.CurrentUser entry and its ActionBase.Enabled property is updated dynamically when the selected object is changed.
See Also: Passwords in the Security System | SecurityModule.TryUpdateLogonParameters | PermissionPolicyUser.SetPassword | PermissionPolicyUser.SetPassword
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views. Makes Property Editors read-only or editable depending on the current user’s rights to edit the current object. When a Property Editor displays a property of an object set to a reference property, this Controller sets it as read-only or editable, depending on the rights to edit the referenced object.
See Also: HasRightsToModifyMemberController
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for all Views. Designed for the Simple Security strategy. Throws an exception when the last “Administrator” is deleted because there must be at least one user with administrative rights.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.2.dll.
Actions: MyDetails.
Activated in the main window. Adds the My Details item to the navigation control. When a user clicks this item, a Detail View with the current User’s details is displayed. Additionally, the MyDetails Action is displayed by the “Security” Action Container, which is added to the Default.aspx Template in the ASP.NET Web Forms application version. This Action shows a Detail View with the current user’s details.
See Also: MyDetailsController
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Views whose object type implements the IPersistentPermission
interface. Manages the creation of new permissions. Replaces the New Action’s predefined types with the found types inherited from the PermissionBase
class. The Detail View invoked when using the New Action displays a new PermissionBase
object, whose Permission property references the permission selected in the New Action’s Items
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for root List and Detail Views displaying User objects. Refreshes the permission set when the current user object is changed.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ResetPasswordAction.
Activated for root Views. Designed for a security system that uses the authentication strategy implementing the IAuthenticationStandard
interface, and the User type implementing the IAuthenticationStandardUser interface. Contains the ResetPasswordAction Action. This Action allows users that possess “Write” access to the User type to set a new password for users. Internally the Action calls the IAuthenticationStandardUser.SetPassword method and modifies the IAuthenticationStandardUser.ChangePasswordOnFirstLogon property. When the selected user object is changed, ResetPasswordController
checks that the current user is permitted to modify the StoredPassword
and ChangePasswordOnFirstLogon
properties of the selected object and updates the ResetPassword action’s ActionBase.Enabled property. The names of these properties are not obtained dynamically. Instead, these strings are specified by the PasswordFieldName
and ChangePasswordOnFirstLogonFieldName
properties, which are declared as static.
See Also: Passwords in the Security System
#State Machine Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.StateMachine.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for Detail Views. Prohibits editing of the state property by setting its Property Editor’s AllowEdit
property to false
See Also: PropertyEditor.AllowEdit
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.StateMachine.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views and Detail Views. Collects conditional appearance rules declared in state machines associated with currently displayed objects and adds these rules to the list of currently active conditional appearance rules.
See Also: State Machine Module | Conditional Appearance Module Overview
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.StateMachine.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ChangeState.
Activated for List Views and Detail Views. Displays the ChangeState Action for objects that have associated state machines. The Action allows users to change object states via a UI.
See Also: State Machine Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.StateMachine.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
A generic abstract base class from which State Machine module Controllers are derived. Contains basic functionality, such as retrieving state machines associated with the object the current View displays.
See Also: View.CurrentObject
#TreeList Editors Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.TreeListEditors.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
The controller is inherited from the System Module‘s ColumnChooserControllerBase
Controller. Sets up the Tree List Editor’s Customization form and supports its functionality. This form can be invoked by selecting a Column Chooser in the grid’s context menu.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.TreeListEditors.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for nested List Views. Allows the Child collection of an ITreeNode object to be displayed via the TreeList control in the object’s Detail View.
#Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.TreeListEditors.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for all Views. Works with business classes that implement the ICategorizedItem interface. This Controller automatically sets a category for newly created objects.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.TreeListEditors.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for root Views. Works with business classes that implement the ITreeNode interface. This Controller links a newly created object to its parent.
#Validation Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Extends the Application Model’ IModelAction node with the IModelActionValidationContexts.ValidationContexts property. Subscribes to the Executing
event of all Actions available in the current Frame. In the event handler, checks validation rules associated with the context that is set for the Action’s ValidationContexts property. If at least one rule is broken, it cancels the Action’s execution and raises a validation exception.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in all windows. Deactivates the ShowAllContextsController‘s ShowAllContexts Action, if no validation rules are specified for the current View’s object type.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Subscribes to the BaseObjectSpace.ObjectDeleting and BaseObjectSpace.Committing events. In the event handlers, checks validation rules associated with the DefaultContexts.Save and DefaultContexts.Delete validation contexts. If at least one rule is broken, it cancels execution of the Save/Delete operation and raises a validation exception.
See Also: PersistenceValidationController
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views displaying the DisplayableValidationResultItem
objects. Prevents invoking the DisplayableValidationResultItem
Detail View via the ListViewShowObject Action (see ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController.ProcessCurrentObjectAction) when the ValidationModule.AllowValidationAccess
property is set to false
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for all Views. When validation rules are broken, this controller adds messages to the View.ErrorMessages collection. This results in displaying error images () near Property Editors with invalid data.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ShowAllContexts.
Activated for all Views. The ShowAllContexts Action checks all rules that are designed for the current View’s object type. In a List View, the currently selected objects are subject to checking; in a Detail View, the current object is checked. The result of checking the rules is shown in an invoked window, where all checked rules are grouped by context.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in all windows. The DiagnosticInfoProviderBase
descendant. Provides the information on rules that are currently available in the Application Model for DiagnosticInfoController
. DiagnosticInfoController
adds the Rules Info Single Choice Action Item DiagnosticInfo Action. When a user selects this item, the collected information is shown in an invoked window.
See Also: Determine Why an Action, Controller or Editor is Inactive
#ASP.NET Core Blazor
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Deactivates the ShowAllContextsController.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
An InplaceEditorsValidationControllerBase
descendant. Contains Blazor-specific code that handles the PropertyEditor.ValueStored event to validate an in-place editor’s value.
Platform: ASP.NET Core Blazor.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.Blazor.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Contains Blazor-specific code that deals with validation alert manipulation.
#Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for List Views displaying ContextValidationResult
objects. Customizes the ListView.Editor settings, so the height of each row is automatically adjusted to display its cells’ contents.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
This Controller uses the GridListEditor.GridView and XafGridView.ErrorMessages
properties to show Error/Warning/Info icon in the Description column of the “RuleSetValidationResultItem_ByTarget_ListView” List View (see Declare Validation Rules). This Controller is not designed to work with other List Editors. Deactivate it if you need to use another List Editor class to show objects in the ‘RuleSetValidationResultItem_ByTarget_ListView’ list view.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated for nested List Views of Detail Views displayed when a validation rule is broken, or the ShowAllContexts Action is executed. Hides the List View’s toolbar using the ToolbarVisibilityController
‘s methods.
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in the main Window. When a validation exception occurs, it shows a special validation error Detail View in the exception error window.
#View Variants Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ViewVariantsModule.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ChangeVariant.
Activated for all Views. The ChangeVariant Action allows users to switch between predefined View variants of a particular business object type. Its items are specified by the IModelVariants node of the Application Model.
See Also: ChangeVariantController
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ViewVariantsModule.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in the main Window. Adds the contextual View Variants navigation groups. These groups expose navigation items, providing users with instant access to View Variants related to a certain navigation item when TreeList navigation is enabled. Extends the Application Model with the IModelNavigationItemsVariantSettings interface.
#Workflow Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Workflow.v24.2.dll.
Actions: Activate, Deactivate.
Activated in all Views displaying ISupportIsActive
objects. Adds the Activate and Deactivate Actions that toggle the ISupportIsActive.IsActive
property value.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Workflow.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in all Windows. Subscribes to the NewObjectViewController‘s NewObjectViewController.CollectCreatableItemTypes and NewObjectViewController.CollectDescendantTypes events. Removes all IRunningWorkflowInstanceInfo
objects from the list of creatable types.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Workflow.v24.2.dll.
Actions: CancelWorkflowInstance, TerminateWorkflowInstance, SuspendWorkflowInstance, ResumeWorkflowInstance.
Activated in List Views and Detail Views displaying IRunningWorkflowInstanceInfo
objects. Add Actions that can be used by application administrators to manage running workflow instances.
See Also: Workflow Module
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Workflow.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
An abstract base class containing basic functionality for Controllers that provide information on running workflow instances. Activated in Object Views specified by the generic type parameter, displaying IDCRunningWorkflowInstanceInfo
objects. Prohibits users from editing objects.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Workflow.v24.2.dll.
Actions: ShowWorkflowInstances.
Activated in List Views and Detail Views. Adds the ShowWorkflowInstances Action displaying all running workflow instances for the current object.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Workflow.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
Activated in the main Window (see Window.IsMain). Tracks creation of Object Spaces by handling the XafApplication.ObjectSpaceCreated event. Creates workflow instance execution request when appropriate.
Platform: platform-independent.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Workflow.v24.2.dll.
Actions: none.
A RunningWorkflowInstanceInfoControllerBase<T> descendant. Activated in running Workflow Instance Info Detail Views. Highlights an Activity selected in the Tracking Records nested List View in the associated WorkflowVisualizationPropertyEditor.
#Windows Forms
Platform: Windows Forms.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Workflow.Win.v24.2.dll.
Actions: DebugWorkflow, ToggleBreakpoint, StopDebug.
Activated in IWorkflowDefinition
Detail Views. Adds workflow debugging Actions into workflow definition Detail Views in Windows Forms applications. These Actions are activated after a workflow’s Activity has been initialized by opening the Designer tab. The Actions can be used to test workflows and diagnose exceptions.
See Also: Workflow Module