Logon Form Controllers and Actions
- 2 minutes to read
When you use the Security System with the AuthenticationStandard authentication, the logon window is displayed at startup. This window contains a Detail View of a Logon Parameters object (AuthenticationStandardLogonParameters by default, or custom Logon Parameters). Controllers are not activated automatically for the logon form for security reasons. This topic describes how to activate your custom Controller for the Logon Form.
#Activate a Controller for the Logon Form
To activate a specific Controller, override the XafApplication class’s CreateLogonWindowControllers method, or handle the XafApplication.CreateCustomLogonWindowControllers event as follows.
public sealed partial class MySolutionModule : ModuleBase {
// ...
public override void Setup(XafApplication application) {
application.CreateCustomLogonWindowControllers += application_CreateCustomLogonWindowControllers;
private void application_CreateCustomLogonWindowControllers(object sender, CreateCustomLogonWindowControllersEventArgs e) {
Certain built-it Controllers (for example, Controllers of the Validation and Conditional Appearance modules) are active on logon. This enables you to apply appearance and validation rules to the logon parameters object.
#Add a Custom Action to the Logon Form
To add a custom Action to the Logon Form, implement a Controller as shown above. Then add the Action to the Controller and set the Action’s category as the Add Actions to a Pop-up Window and Include an Action in a Detail View Layout articles describe.