PropertyGridTabAttribute Constructors
Specifies the Properties window’s tab where a property should be displayed.Name | Parameters | Description |
PropertyGridTabAttribute(ReportStringId, Boolean) | id, showRootProperty | Creates an instance of the PropertyGridTab attribute that places the target complex property in the specified predefined tab, displaying/hiding the property’s root node. |
PropertyGridTabAttribute(ReportStringId) | id | Creates an instance of the PropertyGridTab attribute that places the target property in the specified predefined tab. |
PropertyGridTabAttribute(String, Boolean) | tabName, showRootProperty | Creates an instance of the PropertyGridTab attribute that places the target complex property in a specified tab, displaying/hiding the property’s root node. |
PropertyGridTabAttribute(String) | tabName | Creates an instance of the PropertyGridTab attribute that places the target complex property in the specified tab. |
See Also