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ReportDesignerClientSideEventsBuilder.Preview(Action<ReportDesignerPreviewClientSideEventsBuilder>) Method

Provides access to the ReportDesignerPreviewClientSideEventsBuilder object that allows you to handle the client-side events specific to the Web Report Designer‘s Preview.

Namespace: DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.ReportDesigner

Assembly: DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting


public ReportDesignerClientSideEventsBuilder Preview(
    Action<ReportDesignerPreviewClientSideEventsBuilder> configure


Name Type Description
configure Action<ReportDesignerPreviewClientSideEventsBuilder>

A Action<T> delegate method that allows you to assign handlers to the client-side events using the methods exposed by the ReportDesignerPreviewClientSideEventsBuilder object, which is passed as the delegate parameter.


Type Description

A ReportDesignerClientSideEventsBuilder that can be used to further configure the Report Designer Client Side Events.


The code below illustrates how to access and handle client-side events specific to the Web Report Designer’s Preview.

    var designer = Html.DevExpress().ReportDesigner("reportDesigner1").Height("1000px")
        .DataSources(configureDS => { foreach (var ds in Model.DataSources) { configureDS.Add(ds.Key, ds.Value); } })
        .ClientSideEvents(configure => { configure.Preview(configure => { configure.CustomizeElements("customizeElements"); }); } );
See Also