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ReportDesignerBuilder Methods

A builder for the Web Report Designer.
Name Description
AllowMDI(Boolean) Specifies whether an end user can close all the multiple reports currently designed in the Web Report Designer or a single report should remain associated with it.
AutoBind(Boolean) Inherited from ClientControlContentBuilderBase<TSettings, TImpl>.
Bind(XtraReport) Binds the Web Report Designer to a specified report.
Bind(ReportDesignerModel) Binds Web Report Designer control to a ReportDesignerModel object whose properties are defined on the server (in the controller action).
Bind(String) Retrieves a specified report from the report storage and binds it to the Web Report Designer.
ClientSideEvents(Action<ReportDesignerClientSideEventsBuilder>) Provides access to the ReportDesignerClientSideEventsBuilder object that allows you to handle the client-side events specific to the Web Report Designer.
ClientSideModelSettings(Action<ClientSideModelSettings>) Specifies settings for the reporting component View Model. Inherited from ClientControlContentBuilderBase<TSettings, TImpl>.
CssClassName(String) Specifies a CSS class to apply to a reporting component. Inherited from ClientControlContentBuilderBase<TSettings, TImpl>.
DataSources(Action<IDictionary<String, Object>>) Adds data sources that become available in the Report Designer.
DataSourceSettings(Action<DataSourceSettings>) Specifies settings that configure the user interface related to the data sources in the Report Designer.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
Height(String) Specifies the height of the reporting component on the page. Inherited from ClientControlContentBuilderBase<TSettings, TImpl>.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Name(String) Specifies the element identifier on a page. Inherited from ClientControlContentBuilderBase<TSettings, TImpl>.
Nonce(String) Specifies the nonce value. Inherited from ClientControlContentBuilderBase<TSettings, TImpl>.
OpenReportXmlLayout(Byte[]) Creates a report from the specified XML bytes and then binds this report to the Web Report Designer.
ParameterEditingSettings(Action<ReportDesignerParameterEditingSettings>) Contains settings that configure user interface elements related to the editing of parameters, parameter groups, and parameter separators in the Web Report Designer.
QueryBuilderHandlerUri(String) Sets the custom MVC controller to which requests are sent from a Query Builder.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ReportDesignerHandlerUri(String) Sets the custom MVC controller to which requests are sent from a Web Report Designer.
ReportPreviewHandlerUri(String) Sets the custom MVC controller to which requests are sent from a Web Document Viewer invoked from the Report Designer.
ReportPreviewSettings(Action<ReportPreviewSettingsBuilder>) Specifies an action that uses the ReportPreviewSettingsBuilder instance to configure Report Designer Preview settings.
RightToLeft(Boolean) Enables or disables a right-to-left layout in the reporting component user interface. Inherited from ClientControlContentBuilderBase<TSettings, TImpl>.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
Width(String) Specifies the width of the reporting component on the page. Inherited from ClientControlContentBuilderBase<TSettings, TImpl>.
WizardSettings(Action<WizardSettings>) Provides access to the Report Designer‘s wizard settings.
See Also