Blazor Wasm Standalone Report Viewer (Native)
#Quick Start
Review the following guides to create a Blazor reporting application with the Report Viewer (Native):
- Get Started with Blazor Reporting
- Add a Report Viewer to a Project (Blazor WebAssembly Standalone Application Created with a Visual Studio Template)
#Interface Elements
The following help topic describes the Report Viewer’s user interface elements: Interface Elements - Report Viewer for Blazor.
#Open a Report
Use the DxReportViewer.Report property to specify a report to open. To load a report at runtime, assign an object with the IReport interface (an XtraReport or a CachedReportSource instance) to the DxReportViewer.Report property.
The Visual Studio Report Designer is not available in .NET MAUI applications. You can generate a report in a separate class library, and then reference it in your project.
Click Print in the Toolbar to print the document.
The Report Viewer renders the report in PDF and invokes the browser Print dialog.
Click Export To and select an export format from the list to download the report in the selected format.
Use the report’s ExportOptions property to specify export options.