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.NET 8.0+

DevExpress.Xpo Namespace

Contains classes that support the infrastructure of the eXpress Persistent Objects.

Assemblies: DevExpress.DataAccess.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.Xpo.v24.2.dll


Name Description
AggregatedAttribute Indicates that persistent objects referenced by the target property are aggregated.
AssociationAttribute Identifies the end of an association that is involved in an object relationship.
ColumnDbDefaultValueAttribute Applied to persistent class’ fields or properties. Specifies the SQL expression representing the default value of the database column mapped to the target property/field.
ColumnDefaultValueAttribute Applied to persistent class’ fields or properties. Specifies the default value of the database column mapped to the target property/field.
CommitObjectStubsResult Results of object saving performed via ISerializableObjectLayer objects.
CustomAttribute Specifies a custom attribute for a class or a class member.
CustomCriteriaManager static A manager for custom criteria used in LINQ to XPO expressions.
DataViewPropertiesCollection A collection of DataViewProperty objects.
DataViewProperty A data view column.
DataViewRecord A record within the XPDataView.
DbTypeAttribute Specifies the database type of the column that a property is mapped to.
DefaultMembersPersistenceAttribute Specifies which members are implied as persistent by default.
DeferredDeletionAttribute Enables deferred object deletion.
DelayedAttribute Indicates that the property’s value should not be loaded when a persistent object is being loaded. The property will be loaded the first time it is accessed.
DisplayNameAttribute Specifies the member’s display name.
ExplicitLoadingAttribute Specifies that the information used to retrieve persistent objects that are referenced by the current property, is included in a query used to load this property.
ExplicitUnitOfWork The ‘unit of work’ that uses long database level transaction to allow you to simplify the management of object changes and to access modified objects without having to commit the changes beforehand.
FetchOnlyAttribute Applied to persistent properties and fields. When applied, specifies that the target property or field value can be loaded from the database but should not be saved (should not be included in the INSERT and UPDATE SQL statements).
GetObjectStubsByKeyQuery Contains essential information on a query which retrieves persistent objects by their key values via ISerializableObjectLayer objects.
HiddenAttribute Applied to XPO persistent classes, their fields or properties. Specifies that the target class, property or field should be hidden when generating OData v3 Service metadata.
IndexedAttribute Indicates that a property or field affects index creation.
IndicesAttribute Specifies the properties that affect the creation of non-unique database indices.
KeyAttribute Indicates that a property or a field is a key.
ManyToManyAliasAttribute Applied to properties. Binds parts of the many-to-many relationship defined with an intermediate object.
MapInheritanceAttribute Specifies the type of object-relational inheritance mapping for the class.
MemberDesignTimeVisibilityAttribute Specifies whether a property or class is visible at design time.
MergeCollisionBehaviorAttribute Applied to persistent properties. Specifies the merge collision behavior for the target property.
NestedUnitOfWork A nested unit of work.
NoForeignKeyAttribute Disables automatic creation of the FOREIGN KEY constraints.
NonPersistentAttribute Indicates that a class, property, or field will not be stored in a persistent data store.
NullableAttribute Applies to persistent class’ fields or properties. Specifies if a nullable column should be created when updating the database schema for the target property/field.
NullableBehaviorAttribute Applied to persistent classes. Specifies if nullable columns should be created when updating the database schema for the target class.
NullValueAttribute Associates a constant with the null value of a property or a field of a simple type.
ObjectChangeEventArgs Provides data for the XPBaseObject.Changed and Session.ObjectChanged events.
ObjectManipulationEventArgs Provides data for the object manipulating events.
ObjectsByKeyQuery Provides data for queries that retrieve persistent objects by key values.
ObjectsManipulationEventArgs Provides data for object manipulation events.
ObjectsQuery Contains essential information on an object query.
ObjectStubsQuery Contains information on queries passed via ISerializableObjectLayer objects.
OptimisticLockingAttribute Specifies that a persistent object’s state can be locked during a session.
OptimisticLockingIgnoredAttribute Applied to persistent properties. Disables the optimistic locking for the target property.
OptimisticLockingReadBehaviorAttribute Specifies the field-level optimistic locking settings of a persistent object.
PersistentAliasAttribute Indicates that a property is not persistent and its value is calculated based upon the values of a specific field(s).
PersistentAttribute Indicates that a property, field or class will be stored in a persistent data store and specifies the target column or table name.
PersistentBase Serves as a base for classes that represent persistent objects.
ResolveSessionEventArgs Provides data for an object’s ResolveSession event.
SchemaInitEventArgs Provides data for the IDataLayer.SchemaInit event.
SerializableObjectLayer An object access layer used for units of work (or sessions) in distributed applications.
SerializableObjectLayerClient An object access layer that saves and loads persistent objects via an object implementing the ISerializableObjectLayer interface.
ServerExceptionThrownEventArgs Provides data for an object’s XPServerCollectionSource.ServerExceptionThrown event.
ServerViewPropertiesCollection A collection of ServerViewProperty objects.
ServerViewProperty The ServerViewProperty stores information that specifies values to be loaded from the data server - property names, criteria, and sort order.
Session The session that is used to load and save persistent objects.
SessionManipulationEventArgs Provides data for all session handling events.
SessionObjectLayer An object access layer that saves and loads persistent objects via a parent Session or UnitOfWork.
SessionOperationFailEventArgs Provides data for a session’s Session.FailedCommitTransaction and Session.FailedFlushChanges events.
SimpleDataLayer Implements a data layer that enables the object metadata to be modified at runtime.
SimpleObjectLayer An object access layer that saves and loads persistent objects via a data access layer associated with a data store provider (an IDataStore implementation).
SizeAttribute Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be stored in a column which is created to store the data of a property or field.
SortingCollection A collection of SortProperty objects.
StreamAttribute Applied to fields or a properties of an XPO persistent class. Specifies that the target string or byte[] property/field is a stream, when generating OData v3 Service metadata.
ThreadSafeDataLayer Implements a data layer that allows multiple threads to access data in a data store at the same time.
UnitOfWork Maintains a list of persistent objects that are affected by a transaction. Keeps track of every change to every persistent object during a transaction that can affect a data store.
ValueConverterAttribute Specifies that a property is made persistent using a Value Converter.
ViewPropertiesCollection A collection of ViewProperty objects.
ViewProperty A view column.
ViewRecord A record within the XPView.
VisibleAttribute Applied to non-persistent properties. Specifies that the target property value should be visible to XPO Odata v3 Service clients.
XPBaseCollection An ancestor of the XPCollection class.
XPBaseObject Serves as a base for classes that represent persistent objects.
XPBindingSource A binding source that binds data from a data source to a control.
XPClassInfoStub A container for persistent class metadata passed via ISerializableObjectLayer objects.
XPCollection The collection of persistent objects that implements delayed loading and can serve as a data source for a data-aware control.
XPCollection<T> A generic type collection of persistent objects.
XPCollectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the XPBaseCollection.CollectionChanged event.
XPCursor A pageable collection of persistent objects.
XPCustomObject Implements the IXPObject and provides a custom key definition.
XPDataObject This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code.
XPDataView The data source that displays data from result sets.
XPDelayedProperty A delayed property. The delayed property will be loaded the first time it is accessed.
XPDictionaryStub A container for persistent class metadata providers passed via ISerializableObjectLayer objects.
XPInstantFeedbackSource The data source for a GridControl and SearchLookUpEdit controls that binds these controls to data in Instant Feedback Mode.
XPInstantFeedbackView A data source that binds DevExpress grid controls with data tables and allows retrieving data from the server side in InstantFeedback mode.
XPLiteObject Implements the IXPObject.
XPObject Implements the IXPObject and provides an autogenerated integer key mapped to the ‘OID’ field.
XPObjectSource Enables binding reports to XPO persistent class’ data.
XPObjectSourcePropertiesCollection A collection of XPObjectSourceProperty objects.
XPObjectSourceProperty Stores information on persistent object’s properties loaded to XPObjectSource.
XPObjectSourceRecord Represents a data record in an XPObjectSource.
XPObjectStub A container for object data passed via the ISerializableObjectLayer objects.
XPObjectStubCollection A collection of XPObjectStub objects passed via ISerializableObjectLayer objects.
XPObjectType Provides object type information for a complex inheritance hierarchy. XPO automatically updates the information on the object types declared in your object model.
XpoDataSource A data source control that is a collection of persistent objects for ASP.NET controls.
XpoDataSourceInsertedEventArgs Provides data for the XpoDataSource.Inserted event.
XpoDefault static Provides global settings.
XPPageSelector Presents the XPCollection as a pageable collection.
XPQuery<T> A query that allows the construction of LINQ queries for persistent objects.
XPQueryBase Serves as the base class for the XPQuery<T> class. Intended for internal use.
XPQueryExtensions static Provides extension methods to work with XPQuery<T> objects.
XPServerCollectionSource The data source for a GridControl and GridLookUpEdit controls that binds these controls to data in Server Mode.
XPServerModeView A data source that binds DevExpress grid controls with data tables and allows retrieving data from the server side.
XPView The view that stores data retrieved from persistent objects.
XPWeakReference A persistent weak reference to a persistent object.


Name Description
ICustomAggregateQueryable The interface that must be implemented by classes that provide information on custom aggregate functions to use in LINQ to XPO expressions.
ICustomCriteriaOperatorQueryable The interface which must be implemented by classes that provide information on custom criteria to use in LINQ to XPO expressions.
ICustomFunctionOperatorQueryable The interface which must be implemented by classes that provide information on custom functions to use in LINQ to XPO expressions.
IDataLayer The interface to which data access layers should conform.
IDataLayerAsync Declares asynchronous methods for data access layers.
IObjectLayer The interface to which object access layers should conform.
IObjectLayerAsync Declares asynchronous methods for an object access layer.
IObjectLayerEx Defines members providing backward compatibility for sessions that directly accessed corresponding IDataLayer members in previous XPO versions.
IObjectLayerOnSession Defines methods for object access layers created for nested units of work and units of work (or sessions) created in client applications based on ISerializableObjectLayerEx implementations.
ISerializableObjectLayer Defines essential members for object access layers created for units of work (or sessions) in distributed applications.
ISerializableObjectLayerEx Defines additional members for object access layers created for units of work (or sessions) in distributed applications.
IXPModificationsStore Implemented by classes that store information about the modified properties.
IXPObject The interface that provides the essential functionality for persistent objects.
IXPSimpleObject The interface that provides the basic functionality required by persistent objects.


Name Description
LoadDataMemberOrderItem Contains mapping information for class members and result set columns.


Name Description
AsyncCommitCallback Represents a method that will handle asynchronous COMMIT operations.
AsyncSelectDataCallback Represents a method that will handle operations that asynchronously retrieve objects from a data store.
ObjectChangeEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the XPBaseObject.Changed event.
ObjectManipulationEventHandler Represents a method that will handle events that process a persistent object.
ObjectsManipulationEventHandler Represents a method that will handle a session’s Session.ObjectsLoaded and Session.ObjectsSaved events.
ResolveSessionEventHandler Represents a method that will handle an object’s ResolveSession event.
SchemaInitEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the DevExpress.Xpo.Session.SchemaInit event.
ServerExceptionThrownEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the XPServerCollectionSource.ServerExceptionThrown event.
SessionManipulationEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the session events (e.g. Session.BeforeBeginTransaction, Session.AfterBeginTransaction events).
SessionOperationFailEventHandler A method that will handle a session’s Session.FailedCommitTransaction and Session.FailedFlushChanges events.
XPCollectionChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the XPBaseCollection.CollectionChanged event.
XpoDataSourceInsertedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the XpoDataSource.Inserted event.


Name Description
CollectionBindingBehavior Contains values that specify which operations can be performed on a collection.
DefaultMembersPersistence Lists the values that determine which members are implied as persistent by default.
GuidGenerationMode Contains values that specify how XPO generates new globally unique identifier values.
IdentityMapBehavior Defines how references to instances of persistent objects are stored in a session’s Identity Map.
LockingOption Lists the values that control the persistent object’s locking during a session.
MapInheritanceType Lists the values that specify which table persistent properties and fields are saved to.
NullableBehavior Contains values specifying if a nullable column should be created when updating the database schema.
ObjectChangeReason Lists the values that indicate the way in which the object has been changed.
OptimisticLockingBehavior Contains values that specify the field-level locking behavior.
OptimisticLockingReadBehavior Lists the values that specify how XPO behaves when reloading changed objects (objects with different versions).
OptimisticLockingReadMergeBehavior Lists the values that specify how XPO behaves when merging changed objects (objects with different versions).
PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior Lists values that specify how filter criteria are evaluated within a transaction.
ServerExceptionThrownAction Lists the values that specify how to handle an exception thrown by a data server in Server Mode.
SortDirection Lists the values that specify the sort order.
XPCollectionChangedType Lists the values that specify how the collection has been changed.