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.NET 8.0+

XPCustomObject Class

Implements the IXPObject and provides a custom key definition.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpo

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpo.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Xpo


public abstract class XPCustomObject :


When creating a persistent object by deriving from the XPBaseObject, XPCustomObject or XPObject class, an OptimisticLockingAttribute is automatically applied to it. This attribute specifies whether a session can lock a persistent object’s state (allows optimistic locking to be enabled).

For more information, see XPObject and Optimistic Concurrency.

The following code demonstrates how to declare a persistent object.

using DevExpress.Xpo;
using System.ComponentModel;

// Other base classes:

public class MyClass : XPCustomObject {
    public MyClass(Session session) : base(session) { }
    // XPCustomObject does not have a built-in key and you need to add your own key
    [Key(AutoGenerate = true), Browsable(false)]
    public int Oid { get; set; }
    string fMyProperty;
    public string MyProperty {
        get { return fMyProperty; }
        set { SetPropertyValue(nameof(fMyProperty), ref fMyProperty, value); }
See Also