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PivotGridAppearances Members

Provides the appearance settings used to paint a PivotGridControl.


Name Description
PivotGridAppearances(PivotGridViewInfoData) Initializes a new instance of the PivotGridAppearances class. For internal use.


Name Description
Cell Gets the appearance settings used to paint data cells. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
ColumnHeaderArea Gets the appearance settings used to paint the column header area.
CustomizationFormHint Gets or sets the appearance of the hint text displayed in an empty Customization Form.
CustomTotalCell Gets the appearance settings used to paint custom total cells. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
DataHeaderArea Gets the appearance settings used to paint the data header area.
Empty Gets the appearance settings used to paint the Pivot Grid Control’s empty area.
ExpandButton Gets the appearance settings used to paint expand buttons.
FieldHeader Gets the default appearance settings used to paint field headers. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
FieldValue Gets the appearance settings used to paint the values of fields and the default appearance settings used to paint grand totals and totals. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
FieldValueGrandTotal Gets the appearance settings used to paint grand total headers. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
FieldValueTotal Gets the appearance settings used to paint the headers of Totals. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
FilterHeaderArea Gets the appearance settings used to paint the filter header area.
FilterSeparator Gets the appearance settings used to paint the filter header area separator. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
FixedLine Gets the appearance settings used to paint fixed lines.
FocusedCell Gets the appearance settings used to paint the currently focused cell.
GrandTotalCell Gets the appearance settings used to paint Grand Total cells. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
HeaderArea Gets the appearance settings used to paint the header area.
HeaderFilterButton Gets the appearance settings used to paint filter buttons.
HeaderFilterButtonActive Gets the appearance settings used to paint the filter buttons displayed within the field headers that are involved in filtering.
HeaderGroupLine Gets the appearance settings used to paint connector lines between field headers combined in a field group. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
IsDisposed Gets whether the current object has been disposed of. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
IsLoading For internal use. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
Lines Gets the appearance settings used to paint the horizontal and vertical lines. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.
RowHeaderArea Gets the appearance settings used to paint the row header area.
SelectedCell Gets the appearance settings used to paint the selected cells.
SortByColumnIndicatorImage Gets or sets a glyph that is used to indicate that values of column/row fields are sorted by a specific row/column.
TotalCell Gets the appearance settings used to paint automatic total cells. Inherited from PivotGridAppearancesBase.


Name Description
Assign(BaseAppearanceCollection) Copies the settings from the object passed as the parameter. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
AssignInternal(BaseAppearanceCollection) Copies the settings from the object passed as the parameter without raising the BaseAppearanceCollection.Changed event. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
BeginUpdate() Locks the BaseAppearanceCollection, preventing change notifications (and visual updates) from being raised by the object until the EndUpdate or CancelUpdate method is called. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
CancelUpdate() Unlocks the BaseAppearanceCollection object after it has been locked by the BeginUpdate method, without causing an immediate visual update. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
Combine(BaseAppearanceCollection, AppearanceDefaultInfo[], Boolean) Copies the activated appearance settings of the object passed as the parameter and activates their corresponding options, any properties not activated are set to the value in the default appearance object. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
Combine(BaseAppearanceCollection, AppearanceDefaultInfo[]) Copies the activated appearance settings of the object passed as the parameter to the current object, any properties that aren’t activated are set to the value in the default appearance object. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
Dispose() Releases all the resources used by the current object. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the BaseAppearanceCollection object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetAppearance(String) Gets an appearance object contained within the collection by its name. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
GetAppearanceDefaultInfo(UserLookAndFeel) Gets the array of default appearances used to paint the Pivot Grid Control’s elements.
GetAppearanceDefaultInfoPrint(UserLookAndFeel) Gets the array of default appearances used to paint the elements of a Pivot Grid Control when it’s printed.
GetEmptyAppearanceDefaultInfo() Gets the empty appearance settings used to paint the elements of a PivotGridControl.
GetEnumerator() Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator that can iterate through the hashtable. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
GetFlatAppearanceDefaultInfo() Gets the default appearance settings used to paint the elements of a Pivot Grid Control when it’s painted in the Flat style.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetOffice2003AppearanceDefaultInfo() Gets the default appearance settings used to paint the elements of a Pivot Grid Control when it’s painted in the Office2003 style.
GetSkinAppearanceDefaultInfo(UserLookAndFeel, Boolean) Gets the default appearance settings used to paint the elements of a Pivot Grid Control when it’s painted in the Skin style.
GetSkinAppearanceDefaultInfo(UserLookAndFeel) Gets the default appearance settings used to paint the elements of a Pivot Grid Control when it’s painted in the Skin style.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetWindowsXPAppearanceDefaultInfo() Gets the default appearance settings used to paint the elements of a Pivot Grid Control when it’s painted in the Windows XP style.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Reset() Resets the properties of all the appearance objects within the collection to their default values. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
RestoreLayoutFromRegistry(String) Restores the appearance settings stored at the specified system registry path. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
RestoreLayoutFromStream(Stream) Restores the appearance settings from the specified stream. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
RestoreLayoutFromXml(String) Loads the appearance settings stored in the specified XML file. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
SaveLayoutToRegistry(String) Saves the appearance settings to a system registry path. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
SaveLayoutToStream(Stream) Saves the appearance settings to a specific stream. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
SaveLayoutToXml(String) Saves the appearance settings to a specific XML file. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
ShouldSerialize() Tests whether the BaseAppearanceCollection should be persisted. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UpdateRightToLeft(Boolean) Updates the right-to-left text direction option. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.


Name Description
Changed Fires when the collection is changed. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
PaintChanged Occurs when specific settings that control the text appearance are changed. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
SizeChanged Occurs when specific settings that control text size are changed. Inherited from BaseAppearanceCollection.
See Also