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ToolTipController.HyperlinkClick Event

Occurs when a user clicks a hyperlink within a control’s tooltip or super tooltip.

Namespace: DevExpress.Utils

Assembly: DevExpress.Utils.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Utils, DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public event HyperlinkClickEventHandler HyperlinkClick

Event Data

The HyperlinkClick event's data class is HyperlinkClickEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Link Get or sets the URL of the clicked hyperlink.
MouseArgs Gets or sets mouse coordinates calculated from the toolbar’s upper left corner.
Text Gets or sets the hyperlink alt text. Note that modifying this text does not change the item caption.


You can insert hyperlinks in tooltips via the <href></href> tag if HTML Text Formatting is enabled. To learn how to enable this feature, see the ToolTipController.AllowHtmlText topic.

ToolTip - Hyperlink

Regular tooltips and SuperToolTip objects raise the HyperlinkClick event when a user clicks a hyperlink within the tooltip. Handle it to perform a custom action (e.g., open a browser or an e-mail client).


This example shows how to create a super tooltip with a hyperlink and assign it to a SimpleButton.


The button’s SuperTip property allows you to specify a super tooltip. Use the ToolTipController.AllowHtmlText, SuperToolTip.AllowHtmlText, or ToolTipItem.AllowHtmlText property to enable HTML tags. Handle the ToolTipController.HyperlinkClick event to respond to a click on the hyperlink.

The SuperToolTip Editor allows you to create super tooltips in the designer. To invoke the editor, click the SuperTip property’s ellipsis button in the Properties window.


If you create a tooltip in the designer, you still need to handle the HyperlinkClick event in code. Use the Properties window to assign an event handler.


The example below shows how to create a super tooltip in code.

using DevExpress.Utils;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    // Access the controller that manages tooltips for all controls:
    ToolTipController defaultTooltipController = DevExpress.Utils.ToolTipController.DefaultController;

    // Create and customize a SuperToolTip:
    SuperToolTip sTooltip = new SuperToolTip();
    SuperToolTipSetupArgs args = new SuperToolTipSetupArgs();
    args.Title.Text = "Header";
    args.Contents.Text = "This tooltip contains a hyperlink. Visit the <href=>DevExpress Knowledge Center</href> to learn more.";
    args.ShowFooterSeparator = true;
    args.Footer.Text = "Footer";
    // Enable HTML Text Formatting for the created SuperToolTip:
    sTooltip.AllowHtmlText = DefaultBoolean.True;
    //..or enable this feature for all tooltips:
    //defaultTooltipController.AllowHtmlText = true;

    // Respond to clicking hyperlinks in tooltips:
    defaultTooltipController.HyperlinkClick += defaultTooltipController_HyperlinkClick;

    // Assign a SuperToolTip to the button:
    simpleButton1.SuperTip = sTooltip;

void defaultTooltipController_HyperlinkClick(object sender, HyperlinkClickEventArgs e) {
    Process process = new Process();
    process.StartInfo.FileName = (e.Link);
    process.StartInfo.Verb = "open";
    process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
    try {
    catch { }
See Also