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Context Menus

  • 3 minutes to read

The GridControl includes built-in context menus that you can customize according to your needs. These menus contain the most frequent user actions.

Column Context Menu

The table below lists grid elements that support context menus:

Element Default Content Property that Specifies the Context Menu
Group Panel WinUI Grid - Group Row's Context Menu GridControl.GroupPanelMenu
Column Header WinUI Grid - Column Header's Context Menu GridControl.ColumnMenu
Grouped Column Header WinUI Grid - Grouped Column Header's Context Menu GridControl.ColumnMenu
Data cells, rows, and row indicator cells - GridControl.RowCellMenu
Empty space within the grid - GridControl.GridMenu

The following table lists context menu events. You can use them to customize the menu content and behavior:

Event Description
GridControl.ContextMenuOpening Occurs before a user opens a context menu.
GridControl.ContextMenuOpened Occurs after a user opens a context menu.
GridControl.ContextMenuClosed Occurs after a user closes a context menu.

#Define a Custom Context Menu

The following code sample creates a custom context menu for grid rows:

  1. Create a MenuFlyout control.
  2. Fill it with MenuFlyoutItem objects.
  3. Assign this control to the GridControl.RowCellMenu property.

WinUI Grid - Cell Context Menu

<dxg:GridControl ...>
            <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Delete" 
                            Command="{x:Bind ViewModel.DeleteRowCommand}" 
                            CommandParameter="{Binding Cell.CellData.Row}"/>
            <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Duplicate" 
                            Command="{x:Bind ViewModel.DuplicateRowCommand}" 
                            CommandParameter="{Binding Cell.CellData.Row}"/>
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase {
    public MainViewModel() {
        // ...
        DeleteRowCommand = new DelegateCommand<Product>(DeleteRow);
        DuplicateRowCommand = new DelegateCommand<Product>(DuplicateRow);
    // ...
    public DelegateCommand<Product> DeleteRowCommand { get; private set; }
    public DelegateCommand<Product> DuplicateRowCommand { get; private set; }

    public void DeleteRow(Product product) {
    public void DuplicateRow(Product product) {
        var index = Source.IndexOf(product);
        Source.Insert(index, product);

#Add Items to the Context Menu

The code sample below uses the GridControl.ContextMenuOpening event to add the Show Search Panel and Hide Search Panel items to the group panel‘s context menu:

WinUI Grid - Context Menu Event

<dxg:GridControl ...
    <!-- ... -->
using DevExpress.WinUI.Grid;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls;
// ...

void grid_ContextMenuOpening(object sender, DevExpress.WinUI.Core.Internal.ContextMenuOpeningEventArgs e) {
    var menuInfo = e.Info as GridGroupPanelContextMenuInfo;
    if (menuInfo != null) {
        var contextMenu = menuInfo.MenuContent;
        contextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuFlyoutSeparator());
        contextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuFlyoutItem() {Text = "Show Search Panel", Command = menuInfo.Commands.ShowSearchPanel});
        contextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuFlyoutItem() {Text = "Hide Search Panel", Command = menuInfo.Commands.HideSearchPanel});