The following products are included in the DevExpress WinUI Controls v23.2.
#Controls: In Alphabetical Order
- BarCodeControl
- A control that displays barcodes.
- CartesianChart
- The Cartesian Chart control to plot series of data points on an XY Cartesian diagram.
- CircularGauge
- A Circular Gauge control.
- DateEdit
- A Date Edit with a dropdown calendar.
- DocumentViewer
- A control that allows you to preview, print, save, and export a document created with a PrintableLink or a report created with the DevExpress Reporting Suite.
- FunnelChart
- The Funnel Chart control is used to plot series of data points on a funnel chart area.
- GridControl
- The Data Grid control.
- LinearGauge
- A Linear Gauge control.
- PieChart
- The Pie Chart control to plot series of data points on a pie chart area.
- RangeControl
- A Range Control.
- RibbonControl
- The Ribbon Control.
- SchedulerControl
- The main control of the Scheduler suite which displays and manages calendar events (appointments).
- SpinEdit
- A SpinEdit control.
- TextEdit
- A text editor.