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Row Indicator Panel

  • 2 minutes to read

The Row Indicator Panel is a region displayed at the GridControl‘s left edge.

The panel consists of two parts:

  • The Row Indicator Header that you can customize for your needs.
  • Row Indicator Cells that correspond to grid rows (data rows and service rows). A cell related to the focused row indicates the row state (whether it is in edit mode, was modified, and so on).

Row Indicator Panel

Indicator cells display the following icons:

Icon Description Customization Property
FocusedImage The focused row FocusedImage
EditingImage The focused row is in edit mode EditingImage
ChangedImage The focused row was modified ChangedImage
NewItemRowImage The unfocused New Item Row NewItemRowImage
AutoFilterRowImage Auto Filter Row AutoFilterRowImage
FocusedErrorImage The focused row contains validation errors FocusedErrorImage
ErrorImage A non-focused row contains validation errors ErrorImage
NoneImage None of the above applies to a row indicator cell NoneImage

The table below lists properties that affect element behavior and appearance:

Characteristics Members
Visibility DataControlBase.ShowRowIndicator
Width DataControlBase.RowIndicatorWidth
Template DataControlBase.RowIndicatorTemplate
Header Template DataControlBase.RowIndicatorHeaderTemplate
Appearance DataControlBase.RowIndicatorStyleSettings

#Customize the Row Indicator Panel

The following code sample uses the properties listed above to extend the Row Indicator Panel with row indexes and a button that invokes the Column Chooser:

Custom Row Indicator Panel

<dxg:GridControl ...
        <DataTemplate x:DataType="dxg:HeaderRowData">
            <Button HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
                    ToolTipService.ToolTip="Show Column Chooser"
                    Command="{x:Bind ((dxg:GridControl)DataControl).Commands.ShowColumnChooser}">
                <Image Source="ms-appx:///DevExpress.WinUI.Grid.v23.2/Themes/Icons/Light/ContextMenu/ShowColumnChooser.svg"/>

        <DataTemplate x:DataType="dxg:RowDataBase">
            <Grid ToolTipService.ToolTip="{x:Bind RowHandle, Mode=OneWay}">
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
                <TextBlock Text="{x:Bind RowHandle, Mode=OneWay}"

        <dxg:RowIndicatorStyleSettings BorderBrush="Transparent"/>
    <!-- ... -->