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RibbonControl Class

The Ribbon Control.

Namespace: DevExpress.WinUI.Ribbon

Assembly: DevExpress.WinUI.Ribbon.v23.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.WinUI


public class RibbonControl :


Use the RibbonControl to create an application menu that organizes items into tabs and groups.

DevExpress WinUI RibbonControl

Run Demo: Ribbon Module in the WinUI Demo

Add a RibbonControl to a Project

Follow the steps below to add a RibbonControl to an application:

  1. Reference the DevExpress.WinUI NuGet package. Refer to the following topic for more information: Get Started.
  2. Reference the xmlns:dxr="using:DevExpress.WinUI.Ribbon" assembly in the Window or UserControl section.
  3. Add the <dxr:RibbonControl></dxr:RibbonControl> markup to a XAML page.
  4. Add ribbon tabs, groups, and items (see the sections below).

RibbonControl Structure

Tabs and Groups

RibbonControl organizes content into multiple Tabs. Each tab contains Groups of command Items.

The following code sample populates the RibbonControl with Tabs, Groups, and items:

Show Code Sample
<Window ... 
                <dxr:RibbonTab Caption="Home">
                    <dxr:RibbonGroup Caption="File">
                        <dxr:RibbonButton Content="Open" ItemType="Large"
                        ToolTipDescription="Open an existing document.">
                                <dxc:DXSymbolIconSource Symbol="OpenFile" />
                        <dxr:RibbonButton Content="Save" ItemType="SmallWithText"
                        ToolTipDescription="Save the active document.">
                                <dxc:DXSymbolIconSource Symbol="Save" />
                <dxr:RibbonGroup Caption="Zoom">
                    <dxr:RibbonDropdownButton Content="Zoom" ItemType="Large">
                            <dxc:DXSymbolIconSource Symbol="Zoom" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="Zoom" Text="10%" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="Zoom" Text="25%" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="Zoom" Text="50%" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="Zoom" Text="75%" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="Zoom" Text="100%" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="Zoom" Text="150%" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="Zoom" Text="200%" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="Zoom" Text="500%" />
                                <MenuFlyoutSeparator />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="Zoom" Text="Whole Page" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="Zoom" Text="Page Width" />
                <dxr:RibbonGroup Caption="Layout">
                    <dxr:RibbonDropdownButton Content="Page Layout" ItemType="Large">
                            <dxc:DXFontIconSource FontFamily="Segoe MDL2 Assets" Glyph="&#xE7C3;" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="PageLayout" Text="Single Page">
                                        <SymbolIcon Symbol="Page2" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="PageLayout" Text="Two Page">
                                        <SymbolIcon Symbol="TwoPage" />
                                <RadioMenuFlyoutItem GroupName="PageLayout" Text="Wrap Pages" />
                                <MenuFlyoutSeparator />
                                <ToggleMenuFlyoutItem Text="Enable Continuous Scrolling" />
                                <ToggleMenuFlyoutItem Text="Show Cover Page" />
                    <dxr:RibbonSeparator />
                    <dxr:RibbonCheckBox Text="Ruler" ToolTipDescription="Show or hide ruler." />
                    <dxr:RibbonCheckBox Text="Gridlines" ToolTipDescription="Show or hide grid lines." />
                    <dxr:RibbonCheckBox Text="Status bar" ToolTipDescription="Show or hide status bar." />
                <dxr:RibbonTab Caption="View">
                    <!-- ... -->
            <RichEditBox ... />


Class Description Image
RibbonButton A button within a RibbonControl. WinUI RibbonControl - RibbonButton
RibbonCheckBox A checkbox within a RibbonControl. WinUI RibbonControl - CheckBox
RibbonCustomItem A custom item within a RibbonControl. The following image displays ComboBox in the RibbonControl‘s custom item. WinUI RibbonControl - Custom Item Combobox
RibbonDropdownButton A RibbonControl‘s button that includes a dropdown (a FlyoutBase class instance). WinUI RibbonControl - RibbonDropdownButton
RibbonSeparator A line that separates neighboring RibbonItems within a single RibbonGroup. WinUI Ribbon Separator
RibbonSplitButton A RibbonControl‘s split button that consists of the regular RibbonButton and the dropdown button that displays a dropdown when you click or tap it. WinUI RibbonControl - SplitButton
RibbonToggleButton A toggle button within a RibbonControl. WinUI RibbonControl - ToggleButton

Display a Specific Tab from Code

Set the SelectedTabIndex property to a ribbon tab’s index to display the tab in the RibbonControl.

See Also