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MasterDetailPageContent Members

Allows you to implement the Master-Detail Pattern.


Name Description
MasterDetailPageContent() Initializes a new instance of the MasterDetailPageContent class.


Name Description
AllowBackButtonProperty static
AlwaysShowContentPaneInSideBySideStateProperty static
EnableAdaptiveLayoutProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.EnableAdaptiveLayout dependency property.
EnableSplitterProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.EnableSplitter dependency property.
ExtendSplitterAreaForTouchProperty static
IsContentPaneVisibleProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.IsContentPaneVisible dependency property.
MasterPaneBackgroundProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.MasterPaneBackground dependency property.
MasterPaneMaxWidthInSideBySideStateProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.MasterPaneMaxWidthInSideBySideState dependency property.
MasterPaneMinWidthInSideBySideStateProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.MasterPaneMinWidthInSideBySideState dependency property.
MasterPaneProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.MasterPane dependency property.
MasterPaneWidthInSideBySideStateProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.MasterPaneWidthInSideBySideState dependency property.
SplitterModeProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.SplitterMode dependency property.
StackedStateThresholdProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.StackedStateThreshold dependency property.
ThresholdModeProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.ThresholdMode dependency property.
ViewStateProperty static Identifies the MasterDetailPageContent.ViewState dependency property.


Name Description
EnableAdaptiveLayout Gets or sets whether to enable the adaptive layout behavior.
EnableSplitter Gets or sets whether to enable the splitter that allows end-users to change the relative width of the master and content areas. This is a dependency property.
IsContentPaneVisible Gets or sets whether the content pane is visible.
MasterPane Gets or sets the control used as the master pane content.
MasterPaneBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of the master pane.
MasterPaneMaxWidthInSideBySideState Gets or sets the maximum width, in pixels, of the master pane in the SideBySide display mode.
MasterPaneMinWidthInSideBySideState Gets or sets the minimum width, in pixels, of the master pane in the SideBySide display mode.
MasterPaneWidthInSideBySideState Gets or sets the current width, in pixels, of the master pane in the SideBySide display mode.
ShowContentPaneCommand Returns a command that shows the content pane.
SplitterMode Gets or sets the splitter’s display mode.
StackedStateThreshold Gets or sets the width, in pixels, at which the Master-Detail Pattern is automatically displayed in the Stacked state.
ThresholdMode Gets or sets whether the stacked state threshold is the total width of master and content panes or the width of the content pane.
ViewState Gets or sets the current display mode.

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Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also