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LayoutItem Members

A control that consists of a header and content regions.


Name Description
LayoutItem() Initializes a new instance of the LayoutItem class.

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Name Description
ActualContentIndentProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.ActualContentIndent dependency property.
ActualHeaderProperty static Identifies the veHeaderedContentControl.ActualHeader dependency property. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
AllowHeaderHighlightingProperty static
AllowHeaderHighligtingProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the LayoutItem.AllowHeaderHighligting dependency property.
AllowHeaderTextContentVerticalCorrectionProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.AllowHeaderTextContentVerticalCorrection dependency property.
HasHeaderProperty static Identifies the veHeaderedContentControl.HasHeader dependency property. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HasHeaderTemplateProperty static Identifies the veHeaderedContentControl.HasHeaderTemplate dependency property. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HeaderAlignmentProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.HeaderAlignment dependency property.
HeaderPositionProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.HeaderPosition dependency property.
HeaderProperty static Identifies the veHeaderedContentControl.Header dependency property. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HeaderStringFormatProperty static Identifies the veHeaderedContentControl.HeaderStringFormat dependency property. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HeaderStyleProperty static Identifies the HeaderedContentContainer.HeaderStyle dependency property. Inherited from HeaderedContentContainer.
HeaderTemplateProperty static Identifies the veHeaderedContentControl.HeaderTemplate dependency property. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the veHeaderedContentControl.HeaderTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HorizontalContentIndentProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.HorizontalContentIndent dependency property.
HorizontalHeaderAlignmentProperty static Identifies the HeaderedContentContainer.HorizontalHeaderAlignment dependency property. Inherited from HeaderedContentContainer.
IsContentEnabledProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.IsContentEnabled dependency property.
IsContentFocusedProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.IsContentFocused dependency property.
IsHeaderVisibleProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.IsHeaderVisible dependency property.
IsHorizontalProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.IsHorizontal dependency property.
RequiredProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.Required dependency property.
ShowHeaderProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.ShowHeader dependency property.
SizeModeProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.SizeMode dependency property.
VerticalContentIndentProperty static Identifies the LayoutItem.VerticalContentIndent dependency property.
VerticalHeaderAlignmentProperty static Identifies the HeaderedContentContainer.VerticalHeaderAlignment dependency property. Inherited from HeaderedContentContainer.

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Name Description
ActualContentIndent Gets the actual space between an item’s header and content.
ActualHeader Gets the control’s actual header, taking into account the additional formatting applied to the veHeaderedContentControl.Header via the veHeaderedContentControl.HeaderStringFormat property. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
AllowHeaderHighligting Obsolete. Gets or sets whether an item’s header is highlighted (painted bold) when the item’s content is focused.
AllowHeaderTextContentVerticalCorrection Gets or sets whether the item’s header position is adjusted by a few pixels so that the header is lined up with the text of the editor displayed in the content region.
HasHeader Gets whether the control’s veHeaderedContentControl.Header is not empty. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HasHeaderTemplate Gets whether the veHeaderedContentControl.HeaderTemplate is not empty. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
Header Gets or sets the control’s header. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HeaderAlignment Gets or sets whether the item’s content is aligned according to the group’s LayoutGroupBase.ItemHeadersAlignment option.
HeaderPosition Gets or sets the position of the item’s header.
HeaderStringFormat Gets or sets a composite format string for the veHeaderedContentControl.Header object. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HeaderStyle Gets or sets the style applied to the container’s header. Inherited from HeaderedContentContainer.
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets the template used to render the veHeaderedContentControl.Header object. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a header template based on custom logic. Inherited from veHeaderedContentControl.
HorizontalContentIndent Gets or sets the space between the item’s header and content when the content and header are horizontally lined up.
HorizontalHeaderAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the container’s header. Inherited from HeaderedContentContainer.
IsContentEnabled Gets whether the control placed as the item’s content is enabled.
IsContentFocused Gets whether the control placed as the item’s content is focused.
IsHeaderVisible Gets whether the item’s header is visible.
IsHorizontal Gets whether the item’s header is displayed at the left of the item’s content.
IsRequired Gets whether the current item’s header is painted semi-bold, indicating to an end-user that the current field is required.
Required Gets or sets whether the current item’s header is painted semi-bold, indicating to an end-user that the current field is required.
ShowHeader Gets or sets whether the item’s header is visible.
SizeMode Gets or sets how the current item is resized.
VerticalContentIndent Gets or sets the space between the item’s header and content when the content and header are vertically lined up.
VerticalHeaderAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the container’s header. Inherited from HeaderedContentContainer.

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Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also