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LayoutGroup Properties
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A group of horizontally or vertically aligned items.
Name Description
ActualHeader Gets the control’s actual header, taking into account the additional formatting applied to the veHeaderedItemsControl.Header via the veHeaderedItemsControl.HeaderStringFormat property. Inherited from veHeaderedItemsControl.
AllowExpand Gets or sets whether the LayoutGroup supports the expand functionality.
ExpandButtonStyle Gets or sets the style applied to the Expand button.
Expanded Gets or sets whether the group is expanded. This property is supported if the expand functionality is enabled.
HasHeader Gets whether the control’s veHeaderedItemsControl.Header is not empty. Inherited from veHeaderedItemsControl.
HasHeaderTemplate Gets whether the veHeaderedItemsControl.HeaderTemplate is not empty. Inherited from veHeaderedItemsControl.
Header Gets or sets the control’s header. Inherited from veHeaderedItemsControl.
HeaderStringFormat Gets or sets a composite format string for the veHeaderedItemsControl.Header object. Inherited from veHeaderedItemsControl.
HeaderStyle Gets or sets the style applied to the container’s header. Inherited from HeaderedItemsContainer.
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets the template used to render the veHeaderedItemsControl.Header object. Inherited from veHeaderedItemsControl.
HeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a header template based on custom logic. Inherited from veHeaderedItemsControl.
HorizontalHeaderAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the container’s header. Inherited from HeaderedItemsContainer.
HorizontalItemSizeMode Gets or sets the way items within the current group are resized when the items are horizontally aligned. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
HorizontalItemSpacing Gets or sets the space between adjacent items when they are horizontally arranged within the group. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
IsAdaptive Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
IsExpandButtonVisible Gets whether the expand button is visible.
IsExpanded Gets whether the group is expanded.
IsHeaderVisible Gets whether the group’s header is visible. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
IsHorizontal Gets whether items in the group are horizontally arranged. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
ItemHeadersAlignment Gets or sets how LayoutItem headers are aligned within the current LayoutGroupBase object. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
ItemSizeMode Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
Orientation Gets or sets the arrangement of items within the group when the device is in landscape orientation. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
PortraitOrientation Gets or sets the arrangement of items within the group when the device is in portrait orientation. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
ShowHeader Gets or sets whether the group’s Header (specified by the veHeaderedItemsControl.Header inherited property) is visible. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
VerticalHeaderAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the container’s header. Inherited from HeaderedItemsContainer.
VerticalItemSizeMode Gets or sets the way items within the current group are resized when the items are vertically aligned. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
VerticalItemSpacing Gets or sets the space between adjacent items when they are vertically arranged within the group. Inherited from LayoutGroupBase.
See Also