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CartesianChart Fields
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The Cartesian Chart control to plot series of data points on an XY Cartesian diagram.
Name Description
AllowAxisXZoomScrollProperty static Identifies the CartesianChart.AllowAxisXZoomScroll dependency property.
AllowAxisYZoomScrollProperty static Identifies the CartesianChart.AllowAxisYZoomScroll dependency property.
AnimateOnLoadingProperty static Identifies the ChartBase.AnimateOnLoading dependency property. Inherited from ChartBase.
AxisXProperty static Identifies the CartesianChart.AxisX dependency property.
AxisYProperty static Identifies the CartesianChart.AxisY dependency property.
LegendProperty static Identifies the ChartBase.Legend dependency property. Inherited from ChartBase.
PaletteProperty static Identifies the ChartBase.Palette dependency property. Inherited from ChartBase.
RotatedProperty static Identifies the CartesianChart.Rotated dependency property.
SelectionModeProperty static Identifies the ChartBase.SelectionMode dependency property. Inherited from ChartBase.
ToolTipEnabledProperty static Identifies the ChartBase.ToolTipEnabled dependency property. Inherited from ChartBase.
See Also