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Drag-and-Drop Between GridControl and ListBoxEdit

  • 2 minutes to read

The GridControl allows dragging records and dropping them in external controls. This topic demonstrates how to implement drag-and-drop between the GridControl and the ListBoxEdit.

The following image shows dragging records to and from the ListBoxEdit:


Follow the steps below to implement drag-and-drop between the GridControl and the ListBoxEdit:

  1. Add the GridControl and the ListBoxEdit to your project’s window:

    <dxg:GridControl Name="gridControl">
          <dxg:TableView />
    <dxe:ListBoxEdit Name="listBoxEdit" />
  2. Activate drag-and-drop operations in the added controls:

    <dxg:GridControl Name="gridControl">
          <dxg:TableView AllowDragDrop="True" />
    <dxe:ListBoxEdit Name="listBoxEdit" 
       dx:ListBoxDragDropBehavior.AllowDragDrop="True" />
  3. Now you can drag records but not drop them in another control. Do the following steps to allow dropping:

    <dxg:GridControl Name="gridControl">
          <dxg:TableView AllowDragDrop="True" DragRecordOver="OnDragRecordOver" />
    <dxe:ListBoxEdit Name="listBoxEdit" 
       dx:ListBoxDragDropBehavior.DragRecordOver="OnDragRecordOver" />
    void OnDragRecordOver(object sender, DragRecordOverEventArgs e) {
       if (e.IsFromOutside && typeof(Employee).IsAssignableFrom(e.GetRecordType())) {
          e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;
          e.Handled = true;
  4. The controls in the demonstrated example have the same data source type. If data source types are different:

    See the DataViewBase.DropRecord event implementation in the Drag-and-Drop Between GridControl and Other Controls topic to learn how to modify the dragged data.

See Also