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Appointment.StatusId Property

Gets or sets the index of the availability status object associated with the appointment.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll


public int StatusId { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Default Description


An integer value that specifies the index of the corresponding AppointmentStatus object within the AppointmentStorage.Statuses collection.


The StatusId property specifies the collection item index of the AppointmentStatus object which specifies the availability status associated with an appointment. This index identifies the AppointmentStatus object within the AppointmentStorage.Statuses collection. Use the StatusId property to assign the desired availability status in the AppointmentStorage.Statuses collection to the current appointment.

The availability status is one of the appointment's basic visual characteristics. It is used for at-a-glance appointment identification. The appointment's availability status is indicated in the scheduler as a strip displayed on an appointment rectangle's left side. The strip is colored in different ways, depending upon the availability status's type (the color and type of an availability status object can be obtained via its AppointmentStatus.Color and AppointmentStatusBase.Type properties).

If a SchedulerControl is used in bound mode (that is, its data is stored in a database) the StatusId property's value may be taken from the data field specified by the AppointmentMapping.Status property (this property can be accessed via the AppointmentStorage.Mappings property of the AppointmentStorage object).

See Also