TimeSlot Class
An individual time slot item.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll
The TimeSlot class specifies an individual item within the DayView.TimeSlots collection maintained by the DayView (or WorkWeekView). Items of the DayView.TimeSlots collection are exposed to end-users via the time ruler's context menu, allowing end-users to select the desired time scale increment for the scheduling area.
As a descendant of the UserInterfaceObject class, the TimeSlot class has the UserInterfaceObject.DisplayName and UserInterfaceObject.MenuCaption properties which help the time slot object to be identified within the design-time Collection Editor: TimeSlot dialog and the time ruler's context menu, respectively.
Additionally, the TimeSlot class declares the TimeSlot.Value property that specifies the time interval associated with the time slot item. If a time slot is selected by an end-user within the time ruler's context menu, its associated time interval is used to specify the value of the View's DayView.TimeScale property.