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ReminderBaseAlertNotification Class

A reminder alert notification.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll


public class ReminderBaseAlertNotification


For each appointment, you can enable a reminder. A reminder can be invoked at a specific time period before an appointment's start time. When the reminder alerts, the SchedulerStorage.ReminderAlert event fires. You can handle the event to perform specific actions when a reminder is activated.

Notifications are represented by a ReminderBaseAlertNotification object. Each notification refers to the associated reminder (ReminderBaseAlertNotification.Reminder) and has the ReminderBaseAlertNotification.Handled and ReminderBaseAlertNotification.Ignore properties.

Setting the ReminderBaseAlertNotification.Handled property to true indicates that this reminder is handled and no default processing is required. Otherwise, the reminder will be automatically switched off via the ReminderBase.Dismiss method.

Setting both ReminderBaseAlertNotification.Handled and ReminderBaseAlertNotification.Ignore properties to true excludes the reminder from default processing, so it does not show up in the Reminder form and remains intact.


See Also