ReminderAlertNotification Class
Contains information related to the reminder alert.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll
For each appointment, you can enable a reminder. A reminder can be invoked at a specific time period before an appointment's start time. When the reminder alerts the SchedulerStorage.ReminderAlert event fires. You can handle the event to perform specific actions when a reminder is activated.
Multiple reminders can raise at the same time. To get these reminders, use the event's ReminderEventArgs.AlertNotifications parameter. It holds a collection of notifications represented by ReminderAlertNotification objects. Each notification refers to the associated reminder (ReminderAlertNotification.Reminder) and has the ReminderBaseAlertNotification.Handled property. Setting the ReminderBaseAlertNotification.Handled property to true indicates that this reminder is handled, and no default processing is required. Otherwise, the reminder will be automatically switched off via the ReminderBase.Dismiss method.
The ReminderAlertNotification.ActualAppointment property returns an appointment for which an alert is fired. If there is a series of recurrent appointments, a reminder is assigned to the recurrence pattern, and is invoked for each occurrence in a chain. This property points to the actual occurrence for which the reminder alerts.