ExchangeAppointmentEventArgs Class
Provides data for the AppointmentExchanger.GetAppointmentForeignId event.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll
The AppointmentExchanger.GetAppointmentForeignId event occurs before an Appointment Exchanger retrieves information about an appointment Id in a database of the scheduler application with which the appointments data is exchanged. Usually you do not need to handle this event manually.
The ExchangeAppointmentEventArgs class introduces the ExchangeAppointmentEventArgs.Id property that specifies the Id value of the appointment in a scheduler application database. The processed appointment is identified by the AppointmentEventArgs.Appointment property.
Note that ExchangeAppointmentEventArgs objects are automatically created, initialized and passed to AppointmentExchanger.GetAppointmentForeignId event handlers.