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PersistentObjectEventArgs Class

Provides data for the persistent object events of the SchedulerStorage.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll


public class PersistentObjectEventArgs :


The PersistentObjectEventArgs class introduces the PersistentObjectEventArgs.Object property that specifies the persistent object being processed in the event handler.

Note that PersistentObjectEventArgs objects are automatically created, initialized and passed to the corresponding event handlers.


This example demonstrates how to use the SchedulerStorage.AppointmentInserting event to add a timestamp to the created appointment.

To validate appointment insertion, you can get the properties of the appointment being inserted by casting the e.Object parameter to the Appointment type.

using System;
using DevExpress.XtraScheduler;
// ...

private void SchedulerStorage_AppointmentInserting(object sender, PersistentObjectCancelEventArgs e) {
    Appointment apt = e.Object as Appointment;
    if (apt != null) {
        apt.Description += "\r\ncreated at " + DateTime.Now.ToString();


See Also