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RemindersFormDefaultActionEventArgs Class

Provides data for the SchedulerControl.RemindersFormDefaultAction event.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll


public class RemindersFormDefaultActionEventArgs :


The SchedulerControl.RemindersFormDefaultAction event occurs when an end-user closes the Reminder form and the OptionsBehavior.RemindersFormDefaultAction property is set to Custom. The RemindersFormDefaultActionEventArgs class introduces a RemindersFormDefaultActionEventArgs.Cancel property which can be set to true if you do not want the Reminder form to be closed. The processed reminders notifications are identified by the ReminderEventArgs.AlertNotifications property.

After the RemindersFormDefaultAction event has been handled, you should set the RemindersFormDefaultActionEventArgs.Handled property to true. If the RemindersFormDefaultActionEventArgs.Handled property is not set to true in this event handler, then all reminders will be dismissed. This behavior is similar to MS Outlook.


RemindersFormDefaultActionEventArgs objects are automatically created, initialized and passed to RemindersFormDefaultAction event handlers.


See Also