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AppointmentStatus Class

Specifies an appointment's availability status.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll


public class AppointmentStatus :


The AppointmentStatus object is an individual availability status which can be associated with an appointment. The availability status is one of an appointment's basic visual characteristics. It is used for at-a-glance appointment identification. The appointment's availability status is indicated in the scheduler control as a strip displayed on the appointment rectangle's left side. The strip is colored in various ways, depending upon the availability status's type.


The color and type of an AppointmentStatus object can be specified via its AppointmentStatus.Color and AppointmentStatusBase.Type properties. Note that availability status objects can be either of the standard type (there are four standard predefined types - free, tentative, busy and out of office) or a custom type. See the AppointmentStatusType enumerator for more details.

Availability status objects are contained within the AppointmentStatusCollection collection which can be accessed via the AppointmentStorage.Statuses property.

To associate an appointment with a particular availability status specified by its index within the AppointmentStorage.Statuses collection, use the appointment's Appointment.StatusId property.


Availability status is only visible under the Day View or Work-Week View.


This example demonstrates how to add items to the collection of appointment statuses within the appointment storage using the AppointmentStorage.Statuses property.

        <dxsch:AppointmentStatus Color="YellowGreen" DisplayName="Reserved" MenuCaption="Reserved"/>
        <dxsch:AppointmentStatus Color="Green" DisplayName="Confirmed" MenuCaption="Confirmed"/>
See Also